Hi everyone
In my travels with the doucumentation team I came a cross a need to write a somple article on the importance of reading a read me file and paying attention to it. This article is aimed specifically at newbies but my findings in doing the task led me to make suggestions for file authors. I am offering you this link here to firstly observe the huge variety I found in read me files across 8 modules and secondly for those working on the QA
Wiki- who have as yet not set a standard for the read me text files to take into consideration. (yep - i popped over to take a peak)
As I am working on the Glossary/ terminology part of this project I need some direction as to exactly what you guys want in a read me file - my suggestions are limited by my experience. Once i know what this list is I will modify the document accordingly. It is currently in what I consider a draft format. I need to get it up on the Documentation site ASAP. Please check the draft
Why you should read read me filesCheers