I don't know of an 'easy' way to 'migrate'- perhaps those with more know how on databse may have that...
XCgallery does allow for the management of mutliple images. It is quick and easy with ftp to create image folders labelled by album name.
First create the albums in xcgallery.
Then use Ftp to create image storage folders (I used the same names as album names)in the images section of your xcgallery module.
Then ftp the photos to those folders.
Finally within the xcgallery module you can install the photos to the albums.
Unfortunately you then will need to go through each one to add comments etc if you want as you can 'edit' each album and photo with comments and details.
I don't have quite 400 images but my gallery is extensive.
jens ClassroomHTH
One day i will have to do a tutorial on this module!