I was wondering if there is a way to display a random image from the XoopsGallery random image block (XoopsGallery based on Gallery)in the Agenda-X Minical.
The reason I am asking is because of the .php image echo option in the preferences. I tried looking around in various .php files for something that looks for the call from the random image block, but didn't have much luck.
If it's not possible to point to a file in this way, is there some code I can create to call for a random image. My php skills aren't that great, but I'm an expert at cut-n-paste operations

For demonstration purposes, I have enabled the two modules on a site that I'm creating at
http://family.stewdio.net. Essentially, I would like the random image to be displayed in the calendar block.
Any input people have would be appreciated
Stew Brennand«StewdioNet» 
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