OnFocus 1.2, XOOPS premium theme

I'm very pleased to announce the availability of OnFocus 1.2, an advanced XOOPS premium theme. OnFocus is a magazine styled theme, based on xThemes and Common Utilities, and fully integrated with MyWords. This theme has a lot of features that allows to create stunning web sites easily. Features: • Fully responsive. • Highly configurable • Based on bootstrap 3 • Integrated with MyWords and xThemes • Support for video posts format (forget modules to handle videos) • Customizable news ticker • Customizable posts slider • Customizable navigation bars (topbar and main menu) • Multilevel main navigation bar • Popular box posts for home page • Featured posts in home page • 12+ homepage layouts combinations • Color customization in settings panel • Autoformat and autocrop images • 4 special blocks: twitter block, advanced posts, sidebar posts and about block. • Supports Google Custom Search and standard Xoops Search. • Redesigned templates for system modules (login, search, account, etc.) • Login box in navigation bar • Account box in navigation bar • A stunning landing page to use with QuickPagesFour custom templates for QuickPages • Support for custom backgrounds ... and more. You can find more information and purchase options directly in Xoopstastic.com.
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Userlog 1.17 Alpha2 released for XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7

We are happy to announce the UserLog 1.17 Alpha 2 module for XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7

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Userlog is a node logger which can log your user/visitor activities in your site from a preferred node.
This is a very useful tool for webmasters in busy sites. For example, you can log your other Admins navigation.

Minimum Requirements:
XOOPS 2.5.8
PHP 5.5
MySQL 5.0

If you find any bugs, please report them here, or directly on GitHub:


As always, we encourage everybody to fork it and help us by contributing back to the development.

Download: GitHub

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook
(just started - we need help!!!!

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

Check out XOOPS on GitHub: Let's Get involved!
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MyMenus 1.51 Final, with Drag & Drop, Is Released

Thanks to Bleekk and the XOOPS Germany team, we have now "Drag & Drop" incorporated into MyMenus Module.

In the picture below, you can see the links as bars that you can drag around to set the sorting, as well as the sub-links:

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Also incorporated are changes from Luciorota, who added an option to use skins from the theme.

As always, it is great to see when developers are working as team and are helping each other!

If you find any bugs, please report them here, or directly on GitHub:


As always, we encourage everybody to fork it and help us by contributing back to the development.

Download: GitHub

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

Check out XOOPS on GitHub: Let's Get involved!
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Release of xmcontent version 0.21

I am pleased to announce the release of xmcontent 0.21 final!

Xmcontent is a simple content module for XOOPS. This module allows create content pages. The main point on the module:
• Individual permissions for all contents.
• Keywords (SEO) per content editable.
• Description (SEO) per content editable.
• Header and footer Customizable on the module home page.
• Selection xoops editor.

What's new in version 0.21:
• Use a css file personalized by content (you can add a custom css to a content).
• Use a template file personalized by content (you can add a custom template to a content).
• The XOOPS search is integrated.
• A short description of the content is available on the module home page

This is only the beginning, if you have suggestions for future versions is here:suggestions

Download: Releases
Bugs: Issues

The modules are optimized to run on the 2.5.8 version of XOOPS, but it works on 2.5.7.

Important: The templates use Bootstrap, so you must use a Bootstrap theme, e.g. xBootstrap that comes with XOOPS 2.5.8
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PingTrax 1.04 - Pingbacks +Trackbacks +Sitemaps

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Chronolabs Cooperative

... Presents ...

PingTrax 1.04


PingTrax 1.04 is a module that uses auto discovery to generate links to send to PingLists as well as allow for Permalink's for trackbacks on all your public site! It has a plugin's system if you want to use it to customise your module input's into PingTrax but this isn't required to operate on the system.

There is a smarty function which output a table for the permalink which is <{xoTrackbacks}> or <{xoTrackbacks dirname=$xoops_dirname}> this will output when you put it in your theme the permalink as well as any trackbacks that have been linked to the site.

It utilises preloader events to maintain the pinglists as well as trackbacks; but it also generates your sitemaps as well in xml in the root and alters the robots.txt to reflect the sitemaps. This is all through auto discovery so there is very little you have to do to use this module in base mode. There is also in the the include folder 3 text files which are used in order to specify root names for Id's and identity tags in the $_GET path of the URL in case you need to do some basic customisation without having any knowledge of how to write a plugin's class.

I have attempted too make this module fluid and dynamic so it is easy to implement! It will list your site on the web quickly and effectively, so please download and install it is for XOOPS 2.5.8 or later.


** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.7z - 50.3k
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.tar.bz2 - 54.0k
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.zip - 92.5k
** xoops2.5_pingtrax_1.04.tar.gz - 62.2k

Bug Reports

This is being released for testing purposes, the actual release will be in the news as version 1.04. If you have a bug please use the following form and report it:- https://sourceforge.net/p/chronolabs/tickets/new/
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Articles about XOOPS in Tech Republic

We knew it already for years, but it's always nice to see that the technology media also considers XOOPS as powerful and limitless as Drupal and Joomla, as it was stated recently in an article in Tech Republic !

This was my response in the comments:
"You're absolutely right with your assessment about the need for Simplicity, but I guess, you've missed the XOOPS extension called "Common Utilities" (http://rmcommon.com/en/) :)

So I invite you to download the latest version of XOOPS 2.5.8 (https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=6762), the Common Utilities extension, incl. some of the modules created with this new architecture (http://rmcommon.com/en/modules/)
and take it for a spin and let us know what you think.

The Common Utilities will be part of the upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS - see more on our XOOPS Roadmap: https://github.com/XOOPS/XoopsCore/issues/252 "

As a follow-up to the article in Tech Republic, the author conducted an interview with us, and it is now posted there as "One on one on one with XOOPS"

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So as you can see from the interview, there are a lot of cool things coming for XOOPS, but we need your help, so please get involved: https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=6765
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XoopsHeadline 1.11 & Planet XML 2.10 Released for XOOPS 2.5.8

The XOOPS Development Team is happy to announce a release of two Feed Readers for RSS and Atom:

XoopsHeadline 1.11 Final and Planet XML 2.10 Final

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XoopsHeadline module is used to display RSS feeds on your website. It is typically used to aggregate news feeds into a single location on your website. The headlines can be shown in the XoopsHeadlines module or in a block on your site.

Download: GitHub

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

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XOOPS Planet is a comprehensive PHP version of XML Feed Planet that handles XML feed fetch, parse, display and archive for XOOPS, or "a flexible feed aggregator". It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first, incl. Atom

Key features:

1 articles are stored to local database and editable

2 Blogs are multiple-categorized

3 users can comment, rate blogs/articles

4 original author could be notified if his blog/articles are commented or tracked

5 users have their Xoops-based bookmars

Download: GitHub

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

Hopefully in the near future, these two modules will be merged into one. Any volunteers for doing that?????

Check out XOOPS on GitHub: Let's Get involved!

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SimAntz: PHP business apps framework built on top of XOOPS

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The newly discovered SimAntz Framework is a PHP programming framework built on top of XOOPS 2.4.4, allowing to develop fancy, feature rich, reliable business Apps


This project focused on providing the developer with a reliable, solid, & visually stunning programming framework. With this framework developers are able to develop great business process management apps based on best programming practices.

This programming framework included:

- Permission control on each windows by user group
- Full audittrail, (control by column)
- Integrated AJAX framework
- Integrated Nitobi's CompleteUI toolkit (powerfull grid, combo box, and etc)
- WYSIWYG (PHPJasperXML) PDF report library integrated
- Supporting multiple organization
- Dynamic workflow integrated
- Build in SMS/Email function
- and many more powerful features

It was built on top of XOOPS 2.4.4 and needs to be updated for the current XOOPS 2.5.8, and potentially XOOPS 2.6.0

The video shows very nicely the most features:

In addition to the original modules contained in the SimAntz Framework:

1) SimAntz

Central SimAntz Framework module

2) SimBiz

Pure accounting management system

3) Approval

Approval module

4) BPartner

Business and Reporting Module

we've added extra four modules we've found on SourceForge:

5) SimTrain

This is an web based tuition center management system with features like manage student info, employee/tutor info, tuition class and registration, product & services, payment, generate official receipt, cash onhand, stock.

6) SimSalon

This is salon management system with features like customer info, employee info, vendor info, stock product info, payment, payroll for employee, report (sales analysis,customer and employee)

7) SimInvoice

Business Invoicing System

8) SimFWorker

This is web based project allow user to manage foreign worker data using web browser. It keep basic foreign worker info, medical and visa data, payment history, worker/passport picture and their home town address.

As said above, it was originally built on top of XOOPS 2.4.4 and needs to be updated for the current XOOPS 2.5.8, and potentially XOOPS 2.6.0.

Who would like to help us with that?

If you're installing it, please note that there are two databases that you could use:

a) in the /database folder
b) in the /simantz/blankdb folder

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Two awesome XOOPS modules gwReports and gwLoto are now on GitHub

If you're interested to see what's possible with XOOPS, check out these two professional-grade modules, gwReports and gwLoto, developed by Richard (aka Geekwright), our Core Team leader.

Both of them are now available for forking on GitHub:

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a) gwReports is a serious MySQL reporting tool implemented as a module for XOOPS. gwReports allows the module administrator to enter SQL queries in such a way that they can be run by users in a controlled manner. The module administrator defines reports, which can consist of one or more SQL queries, known as sections. Access to a report is strictly controlled by the group permissions the module administrator assigns to it. A report can take parameters, such as a date range, if needed. The column output of a report section can be customized with a variety of formatting options. Reports can be organized into a menu system by topic, or accessed through system blocks. All of this is done without any programming required; only the creation of the SQL query is needed.

A new auto-complete parameter type that allows you to specify a simple query that returns possible values for a parameter. When the report user enters a partial value for the parameter, the system will respond with a selection list of possible matches using jQuery UI autocomplete. (prototyped by KS Tan)

Report sections can include a data tools option which adds the jQuery UI dataTables plugin to the report display. This enables column sorting, value filtering and pagination. (prototyped by KS Tan)

Some possible uses include, adding visibility to data already collected within the CMS, making data from external sources visible in the CMS and providing access to archived data.

Development (GitHub)


Check out the gwReports DEMO

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b) gwLoto is a "web based hazardous energy control plan manager. It is designed to facilitate the communication and tracking of vital safety procedures to enable workers to safely accomplish maintenance tasks through a documented lockout and tagout program (LOTA)."

Lockout/Tagout is a vital safety process, protecting workers from potentially life threatening injury from unexpected energy discharge while performing their assigned duties. In its simplest form, energy control can be just unplugging a piece of equipment before servicing it. But, as the energy complexity of the work place increases, so does the planning needed to protect a worker from the dangers of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, and other energies. In complex process industries, isolating a single piece of equipment for servicing can involve 100 or more distinct actions to create a safely de-energized working environment.

Assisting this process through automation with software can be beneficial, but until now, this required writing custom software or relying on proprietary tools. With the release of gwLoto, a complete free and open source software solution stack is now available off the shelf.

gwLoto features:

* Manage control plans to safely de-energize, inspect and re-energize equipment for maintenance

* Create jobs to plan, assign, track and record the execution of control plans

* Associate existing business documents, such as forms, with plans

* Meet the needs of the modern workforce with multilingual capabilities

* Customize for specific requirements with plug-in based output options

* Separate roles in the enterprise with granular permissions

* Support unlimited users anywhere with web based design

Development (GitHub)


Check out the gwLoto DEMO

New modules for Xoops

I am pleased to announce the release of three modules for XOOPS:

- xmcontact
- xmcontent
- xmfaq


It's a simple contact module for XOOPS.

Download: xmcontact
Bugs: Issues


It's a simple content module for XOOPS.

Download: xmcontent
Bugs: Issues


It's a simple FAQ module for XOOPS.

Download: xmfaq
Bugs: Issues

The modules are optimized to run on the 2.5.8 version of XOOPS.

Important: The templates use Bootstrap, so you must use a Bootstrap theme, e.g. xBootstrap that comes with XOOPS 2.5.8

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