Modules: New modules for Xoops

Posted by: MageOn 2016/7/25 23:30:00 4731 reads
I am pleased to announce the release of three modules for XOOPS:

- xmcontact
- xmcontent
- xmfaq


It's a simple contact module for XOOPS.

Download: xmcontact
Bugs: Issues


It's a simple content module for XOOPS.

Download: xmcontent
Bugs: Issues


It's a simple FAQ module for XOOPS.

Download: xmfaq
Bugs: Issues

The modules are optimized to run on the 2.5.8 version of XOOPS.

Important: The templates use Bootstrap, so you must use a Bootstrap theme, e.g. xBootstrap that comes with XOOPS 2.5.8