Modules: Userlog 1.17 Alpha2 released for XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7

Posted by: MambaOn 2016/8/28 21:30:00 11105 reads
We are happy to announce the UserLog 1.17 Alpha 2 module for XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7

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Userlog is a node logger which can log your user/visitor activities in your site from a preferred node.
This is a very useful tool for webmasters in busy sites. For example, you can log your other Admins navigation.

Minimum Requirements:
XOOPS 2.5.8
PHP 5.5
MySQL 5.0

If you find any bugs, please report them here, or directly on GitHub:

As always, we encourage everybody to fork it and help us by contributing back to the development.

Download: GitHub

Development: GitHub

Tutorial: GitBook
(just started - we need help!!!!

You can contribute to the tutorial, as well as provide translation, on GitHub XOOPS Docs

Check out XOOPS on GitHub: Let's Get involved!

- Log user activities and navigations.
1- The possibility to list all the IPs used from a certain user, and conversely to list all the users logged from a defined IP to find duplicate users.
2- Find deleted items from your database.
3- Find admin user activities(webmasters, moderators, ...)
4- Find users who come to your site from Google.

- Can log users by getting User ID, User group or visitor IP.
- Logs can be stored in file, database or both.
- Any below user information and/or page data can be selected to be logged.

User ID,Username,Is Admin?(y/n),Groups,User Last Visit,User IP,User agent,URL (Request URI),Script name,Referer URI,Page title,Is Page admin?(y/n),Module dirname,Module name,Item name,Item ID,Request method (GET, POST, ...),$_GET,$_POST,$_REQUEST,$_FILES,$_ENV,$_SESSION,$_COOKIE,Headers list,Logger

- Any active module in your installation can be selected and userlog will log users activities only in those modules.
- You can navigate/delete/purge/export to CSV user logs in admin/logs.
- You can render logs from database or file source engine in admin/logs.php.
- To search for logs based on a criteria you have an advance form in admin/logs.php
- You can see/delete/rename/copy/merge/compress(zip)/export to CSV log files in admin/file.php.
- You can see total module views, total user views, total group views in admin/stats.php
- you have an advance form to see any item views using some criteria like what is the module/link/log time/viewer uid/viewer group id of the item in admin/stats.php
- by activating the views block you can set a most viewed items in a module or in the whole website in a specific period of time. e.g.: today most viewed (hot) news
- You can set the module as Active or Idle in preferences.
- If you need to store logs in a file, you can set the working path, working file size, working file name, ... in preferences.
- If you need to store logs in database, you can set the maximum logs thresholds (maximum number of logs and maximum time that logs are stored in the database) in preferences.
- Can be used as a backup/restore tool.
- Used JSON format to store arrays to database for better performance (instead of xoops core serialize).