Modules: Two awesome XOOPS modules gwReports and gwLoto are now on GitHub
Posted by: MambaOn 2016/7/27 22:23:09 4398 readsIf you're interested to see what's possible with XOOPS, check out these two professional-grade modules, gwReports and gwLoto, developed by Richard (aka Geekwright), our Core Team leader.
Both of them are now available for forking on GitHub:
a) gwReports is a serious MySQL reporting tool implemented as a module for XOOPS. gwReports allows the module administrator to enter SQL queries in such a way that they can be run by users in a controlled manner. The module administrator defines reports, which can consist of one or more SQL queries, known as sections. Access to a report is strictly controlled by the group permissions the module administrator assigns to it. A report can take parameters, such as a date range, if needed. The column output of a report section can be customized with a variety of formatting options. Reports can be organized into a menu system by topic, or accessed through system blocks. All of this is done without any programming required; only the creation of the SQL query is needed.
A new auto-complete parameter type that allows you to specify a simple query that returns possible values for a parameter. When the report user enters a partial value for the parameter, the system will respond with a selection list of possible matches using jQuery UI autocomplete. (prototyped by KS Tan)
Report sections can include a data tools option which adds the jQuery UI dataTables plugin to the report display. This enables column sorting, value filtering and pagination. (prototyped by KS Tan)
Some possible uses include, adding visibility to data already collected within the CMS, making data from external sources visible in the CMS and providing access to archived data.
Development (GitHub)
Check out the gwReports DEMO
b) gwLoto is a "web based hazardous energy control plan manager. It is designed to facilitate the communication and tracking of vital safety procedures to enable workers to safely accomplish maintenance tasks through a documented lockout and tagout program (LOTA)."
Lockout/Tagout is a vital safety process, protecting workers from potentially life threatening injury from unexpected energy discharge while performing their assigned duties. In its simplest form, energy control can be just unplugging a piece of equipment before servicing it. But, as the energy complexity of the work place increases, so does the planning needed to protect a worker from the dangers of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, and other energies. In complex process industries, isolating a single piece of equipment for servicing can involve 100 or more distinct actions to create a safely de-energized working environment.
Assisting this process through automation with software can be beneficial, but until now, this required writing custom software or relying on proprietary tools. With the release of gwLoto, a complete free and open source software solution stack is now available off the shelf.
gwLoto features:
* Manage control plans to safely de-energize, inspect and re-energize equipment for maintenance
* Create jobs to plan, assign, track and record the execution of control plans
* Associate existing business documents, such as forms, with plans
* Meet the needs of the modern workforce with multilingual capabilities
* Customize for specific requirements with plug-in based output options
* Separate roles in the enterprise with granular permissions
* Support unlimited users anywhere with web based design
Development (GitHub)
Check out the gwLoto DEMO