Re: The best way to move Xoop sites?

Before you bother with trying to get that working, I would check with your web hosting provider to see if they already have a database front end.

Usually, they have a link to it in the "control panel" for your domain, if they offer that. Or, in their customer service, you might dig up a link to what they have configured.

If for some reason that doesn't lead anywhere, then I'll see if I can help... though I've not used the front end you mentioned and I would only be able to offer wild guesses about the trouble you are having.

Re: The best way to move Xoop sites?

The patches are here... you will need to use a series of patches. From 2.01 -> 2.02 -> 2.03 -> 2.04 -> 2.05 -> 2.06

I know it sounds annoying, but, it's not that big a deal.

A developer may have other suggestions since they have a better handle on what types of changes ocurred from revision to revision, but, I would do one patch at a time... checking each time that it was accepted.

Download here: https://xoops.org/general/download.php

Re: The best way to move Xoop sites?

I know that you have already installed XOOPS 2.0.6 on the new web site, but, no data yet... correct?

If that's the case, my suggestion would be to apply the patches to your old XOOPS site... moving it from 2.0.1 to 2.0.6. That way the upgrade script can make any database changes it needs to along the way.

Then, once you have the old site upgraded, move it to the new host. To do that, you download all the XOOPS files and then upload them to the new host. You also use a MySQL front end (probably phpmyadmin... whatever your old host provides). You download the database. Then copy it up to the new host.

If you apply the patches to the old data, I think you will find the remaining steps of changing hosts relatively easy. I just did it myself a while back... and it was relatively painless.

Re: How do I stop guests from viewing registered user profiles?

I think you can hide (disable) the blocks for Anonymous Users. I believe you can control that in either the blocks or Groups control panel.

Now, if what you are saying is that in a module, like the forum, they are clicking on a users name and that leads to the user profile... the only thing I can think of is to modify the template to do a check to see if the user is signed in before it makes it an active link.

In my theme, I have a test to see if a person is signed in (and a further test to see if they are admin). Unfortunately, I think the syntax might be slightly different in templates (though I could be wrong).

Perhaps another helper will jump in to make the legit for templates (unless it already is). I think smarty requires it to be written differently.

Anyways, here's what I have in my theme... perhaps it will serve as a starting point for you. Obviously you would need to modify it, turning off the <a href...> and </a> for people who are not signed in.

<{if $xoops_isadmin}>
a href="<{$xoops_url}>/admin.php">Administration</a> | 

a href="<{$xoops_url}>/signout/">Sign Out</a> | 
a href="<{$xoops_url}>/myaccount/">My Account</a> | 

a href="<{$xoops_url}>/myaccount/">Sign In</a> |

Mylinks Link Checker and other features

It would be nice if there was a way to have XOOPS automatically check the validity of links in its MyLinks database.

It would be nice if validation could be limited to particular link categories and sub-categories... as well as a "check all links" function. (Of use for larger databases).

Also, it would be nice if the URL to refer to a link could be accessed in additional ways, instead of only lid=#. For example, uid=http://externalsite.com/

And, lower on the list, it would be nice if you could insert a link from the MyLinks database into the WYSIWYG editor, similar to how one can insert an image from the image manager now. (Nice to have, not a must have).

Re: Web Links and My Links for Articles

Will do.

The other thing I wondered about was how search engine rankings would be affected by these kinds of "forwarding" links.

Off to add it to the feature request. I didn't find a place at dev for feature requests... so I just added it to the feature request board here.

Re: Web Links and My Links for Articles

Well, I have had second thoughts about this. I went ahead and added all my external links to news stories (not many to do) and updated to local links.

But, the only advantage I see is the ability to track how many people go to the external site. I didn't find an option that periodically checked for broken links (it let's users report broken links, but, it does not appear to test them on its own).

Using mvandam's suggestion and mod_rewrite, I did get it down to [ siteurl = /links/4 ]click here [ / siteurl]

Also, I wish the url format was something other than a link id. A format that included the true external URL would be nice I think. Example:http://www.mysite.com/modules/mylinks/visit.php?uid=http://www.externalsite.com/story5.html

But, I think I'll keep adding links to the database as I move forward, just in case a future version checks for broken links.

Re: E-Xoops Vs Xoops

The exoops modules are not compatible with XOOPS 2 without fairly significant modification.

Exoops is an old fork of Xoops, from XOOPS 1.3. Since then, there have been improvements to Xoops, such as the inclusion of the Smarty template cache system and reductions in database calls to improve performance.

Re: Web Standards and Xoops Themeing Framework

Unfortunately, supplying any old alt tag won't do. The last thing a blind person wants to hear is "spacer.gif", "logo.gif", "curvededge.gif".

I agree. That's why I said that the alt tag should be the name of the image in image manager, rather than the file name. (Alternatively, there could be an alt field in the image manager, for the designer to put what they want there). Currently, in the image manager, a designer can give images any name that is preferred. You could even name your image "link to home" if you wanted to. This works independently of the file name.

I'm sorry I was not easy to understand the first time around.

Re: Web Standards and Xoops Themeing Framework

As far as usability and alt tags are concerned, I guess when an image is inserted from the Image Manager, XOOPS could automatically include the name of the image in the alt tag, rather than leaving the alt tag blank. (Not the filename, the actual name of the file that you generate when you upload the file).

Other than that, most compliance issues are related to themes and templates. There is nothing to stop anyone from creating a theme like the plone site in Xoops.

(And, while those validation links at the plone site are nice, it does not mean that other sites created with plone would automatically validate... unless there are no other themes for plone. )

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