Re: The new coming Wfsections is no Myth

Is it true that each section can use a unique template if desired? If so, what do you think of an option to have it import items from the News module, as well as migrating from the former WFSEctions.

My thought is based on the idea that there is nothing that News does now that WFSections couldn't do... though, this thought is only based on vague recollections of previous postings.

Re: Differences between E-Xoops and Xoops

One big difference between the current version of Xoops, and earlier versions of XOOPS (like the one exoops is based on) is that for the current version, the developers made an exhaustive effort to reduce the number of SQL queries used to create a page.

Add to that, the current version of XOOPS uses a template cache system (Smarty) that further improves performance (if you turn it on) since it caches the results of the php and MySQL when a page is made, and doesn't need to pull on the database each time a new user requests the same material.

Between the two items, it's a huge benefit to performance.

I came to XOOPS based on it having the best performance I saw in the CMS I compared (and that was early, before exoops even existed... even then XOOPS was well coded for great performance). XOOPS has only improved since then, which shows the developers keep the right priorities and avoid the bloat that happens with so many projects.

But, some other pluses of XOOPS are the helpful community here and the ease of using XOOPS itself.

Plus, you've got to credit the developers for releasing solid code time after time.

Maybe exoops has something I don't know about to match this, but, I'm not aware of it.

Re: Main contents to PDF

Will either of these PDF tools allow one to
apply input from an HTML form to a PDF form document (or any kind of PDF page using x,y coordinates).

The idea being, if someone typed in their contact information in an HTML form, that information could be added to the PDF document for them to print. Positioning each INPUT field to the appropriate area of the PDF form.

That would be very helpful.

Re: Does XOOPS contain ActiveX elements?

A shot in the dark, but maybe it is talking about Flash banners, either on your XOOPS main, or in XCGallery.

(In other words, maybe it is detecting Flash and noting that it will be played with an ActiveX player.)

As a test, you could turn of banners in the XOOPS system admin.

If the message goes away, that was it.

Re: Is there a Commerical Version of XOOPS

As was suggested, there are web hosts that offer XOOPS preinstalled. However, if you have (or are getting) a web host that has PHP and MySQL, you should not have trouble installing Xoops. It is one of the easier ones to install.

Tell me which of these steps you are unable to do, maybe we can help:
1. download XOOPS to your computer
2. decompress (unzip) the XOOPS package
3. use FTP to upload the files to your web host
4. create a user account for your MySQL database
5. point your web browser to the XOOPS install page at your site

That's it. However, if that stuff seems complicated, you can find a host that has already done that for you.

I hope that helps.

Re: how do you like this theme ?

beautiful... and not a <table> <tr> or <td> tag in sight.


Re: Redesign of my xoops site. . .

Rock on! Pretty cool.

Two things I noticed. It would nice if the size of the fonts were adjustable by the user, so the user, so they could make them bigger or smaller as the desire. This is achieved by not using px to define font sizes. Instead, an easy way is to use percentages... like 100%.

Also, it would be nice if an image showed up in your header in place of the flash menu if a user arrives without flash. Just a nice to have.

Nice job.

Re: Incama's core74 theme final test

The fonts are hard to read on screen. (Courier for body text, can't tell what the header text is).

Would like slightly more padding around images.

Color scheme is nice.

Re: It's Been A Year

Definitely a nice theme with cool stuff going on in the header.

I'm not a big fan of the "chrome" look in the right column. (I am not singling out your chrome in particular, just web chrome in general.) However, I know that probably plenty of your visitors like it, so rock on.

Loads fast considering all the graphics on the page. Nice work.

Re: Firefox not displaying center blocks correctly

Here's what I see.

First, in looking at your left column, sometimes you specify a width of "99" and other times you specify a width of "99%". I'm not sure whether it is effecting your CenterCBlock problem, but, I couldn't tell if it was intentional. Example:
<td width="9"><img src="http://www.xantius.com/xoops/themes/XantiusTheme/menuleftbottom.jpg" width="9" height="21"></td>

td width="99" background="http://www.xantius.com/xoops/themes/XantiusTheme/menubottombg.jpg"></td>
td width="9"><img src="http://www.xantius.com/xoops/themes/XantiusTheme/menurightbottom.jpg" width="9" height="21"></td>

As for your centerblock, you can try adding a width to the following line and check the width in the css.
<td id="centercolumn" width="95%">

The css entry would be
td#centercolumn {width: 95%; font-size: 12px;}

You can try adding it to style.css first and if that works for IE and Firefox you are done. Otherwise, you can add the entry to styleNN.css

Good luck.

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