Re: Trailing Slash Needed

This reminds me of an installation problem I just had.

The install asks for a virtual path with no trailing slash. The particular server I was using had no physical path, so it was at the root. But, since a "/" was not supposed to be entered... and since the install would not allow me to leave it blank, I input a "space" character.

Then, after the install was done, I edited the mainfile to so that the physical path was ""

I thought that's what this thread was going to be about.

Anyways, mainfile.php is the file to edit.

Re: Xoops causes httpd bind, cpu use jumps to 40+%

I am grasping at straws and this may not even be a correct theory... but, if no one else gets back to you, and you want to try something before you get the boot...

As a test. What happens to your server load if you turn off ALL (and for a good test it must be ALL) cacheing.

I am pretty sure Smarty lays dormant if cache-ing is turned off for everything. Pretty sure, not 100% sure.

If so, this would at least let you know if Smarty is impacting the server load for some reason.

Just a test... a random theory. Hope that helps, and leads to something.

Granted, this will mean more MySQL queries... but, perhaps that is preferable to the alternative. Again it is just a test. XOOPS is pretty efficient with its queries, anyways.

Also, have you alternated your persistent connection settings and your gzip compression settings? What are they set at now, just as a reference to others.

Finally, be sure to turn off any blocks that are always updating... like Site Info blocks that show the current number of users, who's online blocks, etc. I've seen some of those blocks bring sites to a crawl. Again, just as a test.

A note for Beginner's... some places to look first.

Someone just dropped me a PM asking for some ideas about first steps when becoming familiar with Xoops. I figured the answer might be useful to others, as well.

What to do first... well, if you are on Windows, XSAS is a self-contained package that installs and configures a XOOPS testing environment on your Windows PC... it takes care of PHP, Apache, and MySQL for you. Very easy way to play.

If you don't want that, you can look at this web site to login to a demo of XOOPS and look around.
Xoops athttp://opensourcecms.com

In addition, here are the first things I would look at:
Install Guide
A Visual Introduction to Xoops

Once you have installed and have found your way around the basics... try these:
Theme DevelopmentModule Development

I hope that helps.

Re: phpESP for XOOPS?

Any news on this development, or on license issues? Are people using a different survey module instead?

Updated: In reading other threads, it appears that PHPesp module is in private testing due to the license?

However, PHPSurveyor is being ported to XOOPS as xsurvey... and apparently is being worked on in dev.xoops.org.

You can read about it here:

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta 3 Now Released

oops. That's not a PM.

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta 3 Now Released

I truly, truly hate to ask this question... since I normally just like to wait patiently.

But, does anyone have a copy of this I can download while waiting for the files to get transferred to XoopsDev? Prefereably the most recent version.

And I know, I know, it is not recommended for a production site... and I know, I know, I am going to use it anyways.

Consider it a crash test... because the group I am putting this up for is going to be using every one of these features I have been reading about. There will be 30-100 content contributors, and the revision feature will be key.

Also, rating the articles with the new ratings system will be key.

(I didn't just imagine about reading those on the feature list, did I?)

Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Re: WF-Sections v2

Easy links to discussion forums... well then, WFSections will serve as my News and my Content module.

All these features sound fantastic. I am looking forward to it.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Re: Feedback please

Is this site built with Xoops?

Re: Rollover Images

I recommend what is called the "Pixy Fast Rollovers" which uses CSS and handles the image preload without JavaScript.


This page above is the latest version, which includes a means to bypass an IE bug. To get step-by-step instructions, follow the link on the page to the original document.

It is super, super easy and works fantastic.

If you need help, let me know, and I will try.

Basically, you create a single image file with all the button states in it (hover, click, active, visited, etc.). Then you use offsets in CSS to have the proper button state pull up on demand.

In your case, think of the picture of the house as a giant button. Also, you might consider using hover instead of click if you don't really need the user to click.

Re: We give up

I think maybe your host failed you, not Xoops. I suspect you will find Postnuke will use even more resources.

In the end, the solution will probably be to find another host.

Let us know if we can help.

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