Re: Not working!

ghia wrote: OK, that rules out that not enough variables could be posted. Did you run the filecheck (see release notes)?
Yep have ran that it says, install files are missing, xoops_lib is missing and xoops_data is missing, the last two are of course there. Quote:
If you go to permissions in profile (/modules/profile/admin/permissions.php) en select there 'Field editable from profile'. You can check and uncheck options (eg YIM) there, OK? But when you do submit you get the no permission error, right?
Yes that is right after unticking boxes and I hit submit I get the "no permissions" warning then redirected to the home page, I go back and check the permissions and obviously nothing has changed, everything is ticked. Quote:
When you look at the HTML source of that form and search for modid, you can find a string like:
Ok if I have the right place, that is on this line
</td></tr></table><input type="hidden" name="modid" id="modid" value="120" /><input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" id="redirect_url" value="admin/permissions.php" /></form>
Let me know if you need anything else Cheers

Re: Not working!

I get this

[0] => 0

All the way down to

[4999] => 4999

5000 lines like those above


Re: Not working!

Ok I ran that test, I wouldn't have a clue what I am meant to be looking at, I see 5000 rectangles each with a number in them going from 0 - 4999, each rectangle has a "n" next to it.

If I click "submit query" it's seems to want to load test.php

HTTP 404 - Page Not Found
The server could not find this page.

What am I actually looking for, or what are we testing, just let me know if I need to do something else.


Re: Not working!

As part of my research into this, I found that thread and got my host to disable it, it made no difference and they can't see any other problems.


Re: Not working!


ghia wrote:
First you check the group permissions (/modules/system/admin.php?fct=groups) for the users to access the modules.

This appears to be fine it's the same way it has been for ages

The profile module has normally nothing to do with the forum.

I am not saying it has anything to do with the forum, but the fact is I can't change permissions in the profile module just like I can't change permissions in CBB

Is your site URL consistent in the use of www? If you mix with and without, it won't work either.

No there is no mixing of with www and without www.

You have to undertsand that this site has been running well for years, with only minor problems, but something is definitely stuffed now.

I tell you what we can go round and round in circles, I wouldn't ask this if I hadn't tried everything I can think of and read extensively this forum to see if I can find an answer.

So I will donate $50 to Xoops.org at the end of the month if someone from XOOPS can have a look at it for me, even just to prove that it is doing what I am saying it is doing.


As it is my site is basically ?????, important features won't work, like the match module. not being able to change permissions in CBB makes it somewhat useless.

Look I don't ask for help very often, I try everything I can before asking questions. I need to get this fixed as quick as possible.

Oh here is a link to the discussion about Log In problems


Re: Not working!

I'll just start again it may be the easiest option lol.

The Profile module

I go to the backend

I choose the Profile module

I select Permissions

I can not change any permissions from this page, none at all.

The Forum module

I go to the backend

I choose the Forum (CBB 3.08) module

I select Can View in Permissions for example but does the same thing for all, I can't uncheck any of the rules.

Both of the modules say as above

Sorry you don't have permission to access this area.

So far the rest of the site seems fine except for the login

When people come to the site they always have to have there details entered of course but they always have to check "Remember Me", if they don't do this they aren't actually logged in although it appears that they are on the surface. This only changed after the upgrade, it was fine before that.

This really has me stumped


Re: Not working!

Webmaster is set up with all permissions, but I can't change any settings for anyone not even webmaster. I have tried so many things and nothing has worked. It's exactly the same with the Profile module. I've deleted templates from cache, I have checked to see if anything wrong with the hosting (they reckon not).

I am my wits end, I have debug on and it just says this


Notice: Use of undefined constant _MI_EXTGAL_B_SUB - assumed '_MI_EXTGAL_B_SUB' in file /modules/extgallery/xoops_version.php line 481
Notice: Deprecated function 'mod_getUnameFromIds', use XoopsUserUtility directly. in file /Frameworks/art/functions.user.php line 26

Not working!

OK before the upgrade I had a problem with changing permissions in CBB and possibly Profile module, because we were close to an upgrade to 2.4.0 I thought I won't pursue that problem until I upgraded.

Sorry you don't have permission to access this area.

I have now upgraded to 2.4.1 and there is no difference what could the problem be, any ideas?

System Overview «
XOOPS Version - XOOPS 2.4.1
PHP Version - 5.2.10
MySQL Version - 5.0.81-community
Server API Version - cgi
OS Version - Linux

safe_mode - Off
register_globals - Off
magic_quotes_gpc - On
allow_url_fopen - On
fsockopen - On
allow_call_time_pass_reference - On
post_max_size - 8M
max_input_time - -1
output_buffering - 0
max_execution_time - 30
memory_limit - 128M
file_uploads - On
upload_max_filesize - 2M

Loaded PHP extensions «

* date
* libxml
* openssl
* pcreLoaded PHP extensions «
* zlib
* bcmath
* calendar
* ctype
* curl
* dom
* session
* filter
* ftp
* gd
* gettext
* hash
* iconv
* standard
* json
* mbstring
* mcrypt
* mhash
* mysql
* SimpleXML
* pgsql
* posix
* pspell
* Reflection
* imap
* mysqli
* soap
* sockets
* exif
* tidy
* tokenizer
* wddx
* xml
* xmlreader
* xmlrpc
* xmlwriter
* xsl
* zip
* cgi

Re: Permission Problem

A couple of my members are having the same problem after I upgraded to 2.4.0

Would you mind telling me what the problem was, maybe it will help them.

Re: custom html or php search page for google search results

This is what I have done

I signed up to this

Google Custom Search

After configuring the Google Custom Search it gives you some code to use, first thing I did was placed this code in a custom block. You will see the block and how it looks with a search field

<!-- Google CSE Search Box Begins  -->
form action="http://www.ozms.org/gsearch.php" id="cse-search-box">
input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-xxxxxxx:xxx-xxx" />
input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:11" />
input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1" />
input type="text" name="q" size="15" />
input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />
script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=cse-search-box?=en"></script>
Google CSE Search Box Ends -->

Then I get this code and place it in this file saved in the root of my site


if (file_exists("mainfile.php")) {
file_exists("../mainfile.php")) {
else {
XOOPS_ROOT_PATH "/header.php");
$xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_showrblock'0); // 1 display right blocks
$xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_showlblock'1); // 1 display right blocks
<div id="cse-search-results"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var googleSearchIframeName = "cse-search-results";
  var googleSearchFormName = "cse-search-box";
  var googleSearchFrameWidth = 800;
  var googleSearchDomain = "www.google.com.au";
  var googleSearchPath = "/cse";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/afsonline/show_afs_search.js"></script>
include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH "/footer.php");

It's a bit of stuffing about but it works well.

You can see it here!


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