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Why do I have Problems with Registering "Some" New Users?
Here is what my problem was:
1. Guests using hotmail or yahoo mail as their primary e-mail would never get a "activation" e-mail. There are surely other e-mail systems that also have this problem but I don't know.

2. Guests trying to register with an IP based e-mail for the registration process did not have problems getting through the full registration process.

3. I was using a "gmail" e-mail address for the "Admin Mail Address" found in the XOOPS Admin Control Panel at Preferences Main »» General Settings

Why this happends?
Hotmail and Yahoo Mail thought the automated "activation e-mail" that XOOPS sends out was sp*m or some kind of IP spoofing. These e-mails never reach their intended destination In-Box as they were blocked right at the Hotmail/Yahoo server.

The Fix:

I changed the site "Admin Mail Address" to an email that matched my website IP. For example:

Old "Admin Mail Address":
New "Admin Mail Address":

Hopefully someone out there will find this fix useful.

Transferred from forums with thanks toTopKnot

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 AOL YAHOO HOTMAIL not allowing automated registration email

It appears that AOL YAHOO and HOTMAIL are blocking the automatic registration email. The email return address is GMAIL and other do allow it. At least half the people visitng my site cannot register.

What can I do? Is there a way to allow registrating without email confirmation and is that advisible?

I am using XOOPS 2.0.15


 Re: AOL YAHOO HOTMAIL not allowing automated registration...

Ok...I wrote the instructions for solving this hotmail/yahoo mail registration problem. Since I (thought) solved this problem, it has popped back up.

I have started two XOOPS Sites recently. Both sites now are blocking the automatic registration email when the guest uses hotmail for their registration e-mail address. So, my fix stated above does not work.

The Two Sites are:
XOOPS 2.0.16
Php: 4.4.4

Anyone have any suggestions?
Users can register on a gmail account with no problems. I have tested it with normal results.

The two sites are located at:

Is there anyone on XOOPS that could try their hotmail account to see if you can log in. It might be helpful to me to know your results.


 junk mail?

I did try to register on your site topknot, though when I went to hotmail, I realised it had been put on hold so to speak (rarely use it it sucks ;o))

Anyway I just registered at my own site for a test with the same account, as I always thought and tell new registerants, I checked my junk mail and it was in there.

I have written a whole article on my site and also put a link into register.php, advising them to read the article if they don't get the activation email, this really does help, well mostly it aint perfect but it's the best I can do. ;o)


 Re: junk mail?

there are many factors that can influence whether emails are classed as spam or not.

and only a few could be related to XOOPS itself, if any.

on a shared hosting environment, if another site on the same server has sent out spam mail etc, then the IP address of the server may have been flagged previously as a source of spam. yes lots of mail companies buy lists of IP addresses that have been flagged as a source of spam. even though your site may never have sent spam out, it is hosted on a server that has sourced spam previously, so in effect your whole domains IP range where the sites could be classed as spam because the address of the mail servers are flagged.

hotmail, & Yahoo check for SPF records aswell, altho not necessarily an issue as SPF is quite in its infancy yet, but that could also be an issue if your domain doesn't have an SPF record.

AOL are 1 of the biggest pains in the ASS you will ever know.. because they block things without even doing much research into it.. if a few people complain to them (even tho those complaining may have not read smallprint and consequently subscribed/opted in to mailings and then reported the site as sending spam because they couldn't be arsed to click the unsubscribe link.. it's a common problem..

there are places where you can check your domains IP address to see if it's registered in the spam filters that companies use. i can't remember off hand, but google is a great resource if used.

you see, sometimes it's not XOOPS that is the cause of problems, there maybe other reasons for it of which some i have mentioned above..

you'll have to do more research if you want to know the true cause of it..


 Re: junk mail?

Thanks for the help and research on this issue. I will tell you I did check my spam box and the registration e-mail wasn't there.

So, it back to the drawing board. Guess a modification of the "Registration" page to include a statement that:
AOL/Hotmail/Yahoo e-mail accounts may prevent registration on this site"....or something along these lines.



 Re: junk mail?

I am experiencing the problem with all emails generated from my site being rejected by both AOL and Comcast that I know of for certain. I know that it is related to all email, because users who I have manually activated and then signed up for notifications, I have received rejection emails from their notifications as well.

I read in this link that there is a way to "hack the XOOPS mailer class to use secure ports on Google" which may be useful if anyone finds more info on this. Unfortunately, I don't even know how to set up SMTP, but I'm going to work on it. I'll post again if I find anything.


 Re: junk mail?

As a work around, Is there a way to configure XOOPS so that the automated system sends me a copy of the activation link? Like mailing the new user and copying me?

In that case when a user doesn't get it I can manually foward it from another email that uses an ip and the user can complete the registration proccess.

Any ideas?


 Re: junk mail?

what kind of email address should I set up if my site is an intranet site and doesn't have name address, but only ip address?

like: http://1812.178.1.14/




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