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How do I insert images from the Image Manager into news articles and 'Sections' module articles?
To insert images in news articles or any other article management module using the Image Manager XOOPS has built in you have to:

1. - Creating Image Category and Uploading Images

to do that in XOOPS 2.2.x go to admin side and from the menu "Misc. Tools" select "Images" ,once there you will find the form for both creating a image category and for uploading images in the allready existing categories.

to do that in XOOPS 2.1.4 go to admin side and from the menu "System Admin" select "Images" ,once there you will find the form for both creating a image category and for uploading images in the allready existing categories.

2. - Inserting images using the Image Manager

Above almost every text field in XOOPS when using the default XOOPS editor you will find small icons that will help you create nice articles, each icon has a different function, the 4th image lets you insert an image using the XOOPS Image Manager.

Once presed a small pop-up window will be presented to you with a selection box that alows you to select the desired image category, once the category is selected the pop-up window will display the list of images contained by the selected category.

The list of images is divided in 4 columns: "name" that displays the image's name ; "image" that displays the actuall image; "Mime type" that displays the image's extension and "Align" that contains 3 buttons which will allaw you to chose the position of the image in the article, Selecting the desired position will automaticaly insert the selected image in the article.

Good Luck

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 Type visible not image

I uploaded and chose my image in the image manager and used the left align icon. This is what I got in the preview screen. No image...just type. What did I do wrong? Any suggestions?

Check it out at:

Haven't changed the images yet. Any suggestions? Thanks.


 Re: Type visible not image

Where do I set that? Beginners...


 Re: Type visible not image


This F.A.Q. section has a lot of information on basic site configuration of your site, including how to use blocks. If you want a quick-start manual, you can check out XOOPS for Dummies. It's a bit dated, but the basics still apply.


 Re: Type visible not image

Thanks JMorris



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