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My users get the error "ERROR: Email address already registered". Why, and can I disable the check?
Why? Because the e-mail used has already been used for an account on your site either by the same person (which means they have an account already) or by someone else in which case you may need to look into it on behalf of your user.

Disable? Yes...

Applies to Xoops 2.0 only - not tested with 2.2. if it works for 2.2 please place a comment here

Obviously Xoops is structured to prevent a single user registering multiple accounts. However, there may be occasions when you (as the site admin) want to enable this, at least for a short while.

To do so, change line 103 of 'register.php' (in the root of your Xoops site) from

if ( $count ) {

if ( $count ) {

This will allow the same e-mail to be used twice, but not more than twice. If you wanted to allow it to be used three times, then change the 0 to 2. For four times, change it from 0 to 3, etc.

See this post for more info.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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