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Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "db:xxx.html" in file class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1084?
As you may know, Xoops uses templates created with Smarty. Templates can call other templates. For example a template "A" can, inside its code, call the template named "B" (with the Smarty instruction <{include file="db:xxx.html"}>) Then in the file named xoops_version.php, if the template A is described (with the lines begining with $modversion['templates'][1]['file']...) BEFORE the template B, then you can see this warning message. The module's designer should review the order of templates declarations.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Unable to read resource

If the error is during the installation process, then this is correct.

If this error is experienced when using the module, the module developer may have forgotten about putting the $modversion[...] definition of the template in the module's xoops_version.php


 Smarty Error


Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "thineline/theme.html" in file xxx\class\smarty\Smarty.class.php line 1084

This error messege may appear after select some themes ( such as thinline theme ) from admin panel, and even XOOPS version 2.0.10


 Getting the smarty error when installing newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

the 'regular' newbb was running fine on XOOPS 2.2 (which is really great), then when I try to install newbb 2, following all instructions in the readme file, I get the following errors:

when I try hit the blocks button inside newbb2-admin I get:
Call to undefined function: getbymodule() in W:\www\xoops2\modules\newbb\admin\myblocksadmin.php on line 55

when I go to forum on the homepage I get the error-message of this thread zwice:
Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "db:newbb_index.html" in file W:\www\xoops2\class\smarty\Smarty.class.php line 1084

Maybe I didn´t update the templates correctly. anyone have a clue?


 Re: Unable to read resource - upgrading newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

I am running the XOOPS 2.2 on localhost = It´s great, thanks!

when trying to install newbb 2 I can´t enter the Block´s in the admin and when trying to update the forum I get an empty page with the error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getbymodule() in W:\www\xoops2\modules\newbb\admin\myblocksadmin.php on line 55

at the homepage, when trying to click forum I get the error already discribed in this thread:

Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: ....... line 1084

After having tried several things I think it could be that the $modversion[...] definition is not yet in the xoops_version.php ???

Anybody has an idea of what to do??



 Re: Unable to read resource - upgrading newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

I would advise using CBB 2.2 instead - as this has been coded with XOOPS 2.2 in mind.


 Re: Unable to read resource - upgrading newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

Thanks davidl2,

I just kind of realized this! just registered and will download... I'll let you know how it goes.



 Re: Unable to read resource - upgrading newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

Don't forget that CBB 2.2 is a beta, and XOOPS 2.2 is still RC...


 Re: Unable to read resource - upgrading newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

OK, I'll install just to learn

The download has no install-description...

is it enough to replace the newbb2 with cbb and then update the modules?


 Re: Unable to read resource - upgrading newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

WOW, it took me 10 min's to solve 2 days struggle: just replaces the newbb2 with CBB, everything seems to be working fine..

I'll report on issues if they appear,

thanks again davidl2!!


 Re: Unable to read resource - upgrading newbb 2 on xoops 2.2

My pleasure


 empty template?

unable to read resource: "db:" after update to - what is "db:" ???


 Re: empty template?

I get this error when I try to use Custom BLocks and all custom blocks I try to set up come out blank. If i remove the custom blocks then this php error goes away.

Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "db:system_block_dummy.html" in file class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1084


 What happens when I get smarty 1084 error all the time?

Everything was working until I tried to install and uninstalled some new modules. It looks like now something is crrupted and then I started getting this error message EVERYTIME I try to add new block in anywhere. For example when I tried to add "Who's online" block to the left block, the error message was as follow:

Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "db:system_block_online.html" in file class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1084
Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "db:system_block_online.html" in file class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1084

I tired adding different menus in various position of block, but the error remained the same. Is this mean I have to start setting up everything (including XOOPS core) from scrach again??? Please help me...

I'm using XOOPS 2.2.3



 Re: What happens when I get smarty 1084 error all the time?

Try clicking on UPDATE for each of your installed modules. That cleared up this error for me and restored the modules to the menu blocks.



Ok, so I installed a new theme(Kubrick Flexible, the Original Kubrick works fine) for my site, and I got the error:

Warning [Xoops]: Smarty error: unable to read resource: "default/theme_blockleft.html" in file class/smarty/Smarty.class.php line 1084

I'm not quite understanding how I can fix this.

While googling, I found a French site that seems to have solved it:

But I dont read french I wish I knew what they were saying.


 Re: Smarty...........1084



Is there such a file in your themes-folder? I am wondering why default/theme_blockleft.html is called when you are in another theme. Did you check the Kubrick Flexible-theme if there are calls to the default-theme?

EDIT: checked the theme and YES there are calls to the default-theme. Open theme.html of theme kubrickFlexible and change default to $xoops_theme or kubrickFlexible and you are done.


 Re: Smarty...........1084

Yes, I figured that out last night, but I was too tired to check and make sure it was all working properly, and to make a follow-up post.

Thanks for the response!


 Re: Smarty...........1084

i had a smarty error with db:block_login. but i solved it with system update.just update the system module and its solved



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