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is it possible to use more than one theme on a xoop site. I'd like to implement different themes to different areas of my site
Yes, you can use as many themes as you want and have them change automatically according to which module is displayed. Either use the theme changer module or this script in a php custom block;

$GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['theme_set'] = "theme_name";

change theme_name for the alternative theme and place the block VISIBLE and without a title to show in the module(s) that you want this theme to change for.

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 Doesnt seem to work.

I installed the Themes Changer and cannot seem to get it to work. It seems simple enough. No complex settings. No hidden setup reqirements. I am mystified.

Any ideas?


 block works

love how simple that was.

a block which can't even be seen



 Re: block works

cutley, did you just paste the code directly into a block? and change the theme name? because it's not working for me..


 doesn't work for me either

I can't seem to get this to work either...has anyone gotten it to work?


 Re: block works

i just copy and pasted that exact code into a block, then change the theme name to the name of the theme folder i would like the page to use.

worked fine



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