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How do I upgrade my site with the to patch?
I have had problems with this upgrade and have created two Generic responses. This initial response assumes that you are in a complex upgrade (defined below).


This procedure may be worth following if you use any of the following:

1.Custom Themes If you use non-standard themes be certain that these
work with the new version!

2.New modules (beta, RC, etc.) , especially from the development site
which may not be ready for prime time (in other words, modules that
may not be part of the overall XOOPS release package).

3.Obsolete/old modules or any modules which are behind the XOOPS release
cycle. Not all modules run on all versions of XOOPS!

Low-risk, but time costly.

1.Copy a full version of the latest XOOPS release to your local (development)

2.Do a full backup of your complete online (production) site to your local
(development) machine.

3.Identify EVERY template change you have made to the XOOPS standard set.
(I recommend keeping them in a local directory structured identically to match
your production XOOPS site).

4.Export your production database (using phpMyAdmin?) to your local (development)
machine. Be certain to check the variables for "Structure" such that you can easily
recreate a duplicate image of your production system on your local (development)
machine. (I recommend selecting all of the following:
Enclose table and field names with backquotes
Add into comments
Creation/Update/Check dates
Complete inserts
Extended inserts

5.Create a separate (new?) directory on your local development machine and load the
latest complete version of XOOPS there.

6.Perform an Install of XOOPS on your local machine (just as if you were building a
site for the first time).

7.Login to the newly created XOOPS blank site.

8.Make certain that your new blank XOOPS (new version) site functions. (It will NOT
look like your production site).

9.Log off the site.

10.This will seem odd (but it is an excellent preventative set of activities). Copy
all of your desired modules into the newly created XOOPS site modules area. Re-login
to the new XOOPS site and access Admin==>Modules; make certain everything is visible
and accessible. (Create or re-create missing module components as required).

11.Load the phpMyAdmin (even if you don't plan on using it on your production site;
this will make the following steps much easier).

12.Install and then Login to your ?MySql (phpMyAdmin?) database and drop all tables
from your new XOOPS database (this will make duplication of your production database
quite easy).

13.Having dropped all your tables, go to SQL and browse to your production database
backup (there should be an sql file somewhere on your machine that contains the
contents of your production database; this was downloaded in step 4 above. Note:
Steps 4 and 11 may need to be updated if your production database has been updated
during this upgrade process-- it is best to perform this entire update process while
your production site is closed for upgrade.

14.This step is extremely important: save your production site mainfile.phpfile-- do
not lose it or over-write it; else the rest of this process will not succeed!

15.Next make certain all of the following are copied onto the newly created XOOPS
= installation (on your development machine)
= modules (all of your current, in use modules)
= themes (all unique and non-standard themes)-- very important!
= customizations (hacks to Xoops)

16.Once you are able to access XOOPS go to the Admin==>Modules page and update all
of your Modules.

17.Once all Modules are Updated, update System.

18.Test your new and now updated XOOPS system. If everything works like you had
hoped for, you may now upload a copy of your local development site to your live
website. Remember to upload your original mainfile.php.

19.Once you have uploaded (copied) your XOOPS directories from your local development
machine to your website, you can try to access your site.

20.If it works, great... if not, you may need to do any or all of the following:
= Go back to step 6 and repeat everything through step 22 again, except this time
you performing those operations on your live site.
= Upload your old (original) mainfile.php (to gain site access) and go from there
to repeat Steps 19-22 on your newly uploaded 'live' website.

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