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How do I set permissions and make blocks and module visible?
XOOPS has built-in permission management for certain system administration elements, module administration and module and block access. These permissions are granted to a usergroup and all users in that usergroup will have those permissions. Permissions are managed in System Admin -> Groups by selecting a usergroup and ticking off the checkboxes for the desired permissions for that group. --- Additional details submitted by Carnuke on 2005/2/6 22:34:51 Here is a practicle example of setting visibility and permissions: To make a module or a block visible, you need to do as follows: 1- for blocks... go to admin> system admin>blocks page 2- Find the block you want to make visible 3- Click the visible radio selector and set its position 4- Click update at page bottom 5- Go to system admin> groups 6- Click the group modify link for the group you want to see the block 7- Find the block in the position you selected in blocks 8- Click the checkbox and update the page 9- Repeat for any other required groups. For modules: 1- Go to system admin>groups as before 2- This time for each selected group make sure you select the checkbox for 'module access' in the top section of the page and update the page again as before. Please also see Beginners Flash tutorial pack which has a section on permissions in it. Full tutorial pack here

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