Note: Currently submission of downloads is disabled. Please offer your download in the appropriate forum and a developer will contact you. First, you'll have to navigate to the downloads page. You can access this page by clicking on the
Downloads item in the Main Menu block, as you can see on the image below:
Downloads Menu Item The
Downloads menu item has now 3 other items below it. You then need to select
Submit, like the image below:
Submit Download Menu Item This will take you to the
Submit Download form:
Submit Download Form Let's have a look at the principal fields of this form.
Download Title: This is the title of the file you want to submit.
Download URL: This the address of the file wou want to submit. Note that the file must be hosted somewhere on a public site. For example:
Category: This is the category under which your new download will be display.
Home Page: Typically, this is the home page of the developper's website. Otherwise, it can be your website.
Version: This is the version of the file. For example, if your download is MSN Messenger 5.0, the version would be
File size: This is the file size of your new download, in bytes. For example, if the size of your file is 945 Kb, you would write
945000 in that field.
Platform: This is the platform on which your download is supported. For example, if the MSN Messenger version your submited is for Windows XP, you would write
Windows XP in this field.
Description: This is the decsription of the file you are submitting.
Options: Checking
Notify me when this file is approved will make sure that you are notify when the file is approved by the site administrator. To submit your download, you must hit the
Submit button, otherwise, hit
Cancel to cancel your submission.