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What is updating a module and how do I do it?
The purpose of "updating" a module is to refresh the module configuration when you modify the module code or obtain a new version.


1) Install the new module files in place of the old ones. (overwright old files)

2) Go to "Modules Administration"

3) Find the desired module and click on the "Update Module" icon and confirm on the next screen (see below)

Resized Image

4) The system will output the changes it is making... scan this page and make sure no errors were reported.

5) You are done!

Depending on the changes in the new version of the module, simply overwriting the files may not be sufficient. If you don't know whether an "update" is required, it is generally advised to do the "update".

If anything in the file xoops_version.php changes, this is a good sign that an update is required. In particular the following changes generally require a module update:

* changing the module meta-info (module name, author, version, etc...)
* adding a core 'feature' such as comments, notifications, search, main menu, etc...
* adding configuration options for the module
* adding/removing/changing templates for the module
* adding/removing/changing blocks for the module
* etc...

What happens on an update?

Updating will NOT affect the data of the module,What has already been written and saved in the database will remain unchanged.

However, it will update the templates, the blocks, the config options, the notification system, etc.

Sometimes modules will have an update script which you must 'run' inorder to complete the process.

Always view the README files carefully and follow the order of updating.

Run the scipt first, or update in admin first. Make sure you get it right!

Here's another tip

If your are unsure about the effects of updating module follow this procedure.

1- RENAME old module directory (eg.- old-mylinks)
2- UPLOAD new version (mylinks)
3- UPDATE module in admin

Because no database changes happened if the update fails, you can always delete or rename the NEW mylinks directory and revert back to the old-mylinks by renaming it mylinks. Then update again.

This way, you never lose your old versions and you can recover them if necessary.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 You sure ?


Because no database changes happened if the update fails, you can always delete or rename the NEW mylinks directory and revert back to the old-mylinks by renaming it mylinks. Then update again.

You sure ? modules/system/admin/modulesadmin/main.php - find for ($op == 'update_ok'). There are huge mess-up with database and you say



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