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How do I modify style sheets?
A style sheet is just a text file with a special extension which is CSS. This extension tells the browser that this file contains rules on how items on the webpage should be displayed.

You can edit a style sheet several ways. If you know the syntax you could just open it in notepad and edit away.

There is software available that guides you the process, and also lets you see you changes as you make them. The best known CSS editor is TopStyle.

TopStyle has pro (paid) and a lite (free) versions. Information and price can be found Here.

Lots of other editors available also, just do a google search and find the one that is right for you.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 thx alot

hi all how to edit the font of the articles i did not found it in the style sheet also i try to change some text but no way


 CSS Themes and the MAC

Will someone point me to the ins and outs of how XOOPS deals with MACs?

I see there is a MAC style sheet in the themes dir, is there a XOOPS JS that sniffs for OS and user agents or is this somehing in the theme? Eitherway, where where is it?

Are there other MAC issues one should be aware of?






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By the way you can enlarge smilies with Koivi, just insert them with Koivi then you can stretch them, the possibilities are endless, especially with WIWImod, have fun!

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