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How do I learn about creating my own Xoops module?
There is always some trial and error in developing Xoops modules, but some pointers to get you started are: a) Be sure of what you want with the module - it is always easier to program, when you know exactly, what you want the code to do for you b) Look how other people do things - it is unnecessary to re-invent the wheel and often there are nice tricks in other modules, showing how to e.g. retrieve the usernames of several users at once or how to enable the search feature in your module c) Visit The XOOPS Module Development Site and look through the wiki there for more pointers, e.g. Coding Standards File Structure in a module Kickstart Guide and How to use the XoopsForm Library Dev wiki --- Additional details submitted by Carnuke on 26-Dec-2004 23:20 d) T Hill at has produced a module generator module Here called xoopermod. This will give you a skeleton module complete with structure and guidlines for creating your own code.

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 Module generator update

The most current module generator for XOOPS is XBS ModGen which can be found in the respository on this site:



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