SmartFAQ is developed by The SmartFactory (, a division of InBox Solutions (

How do I learn all the jargon?
A good start is to read through the 'Terms and definitions' section of this FAQ section. Also the other FAQs will build up a good picture of what Xoops is about and how to understand many of the terms and concepts.

We also feature links to TRAINING RESOURCES on the Documentation site. Most of these links are to reputable third party websites that offer free online information about all aspects of web-building.

Finally, always feel free to ask on the forums, or search the site for information you need to learn.

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.


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Did you know ?

If the mysql extension is not loaded properly, you will get a "Fatal error: mysql extension not loaded" error

Random question

I'm making a module/theme and need some xoops icon resources. Where can I find them?