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What are groups and how do I administrate them?

Default Groups

Administration > System Admin > Groups

Groups are categories that users are classified in. The group that a user belongs to determines what the user is permitted to do. Users can be in more than one group.
After a standard installation 3 groups are created.
- Administrators - Registered Users - Anonymous Users
Someone who visits your site is an "Anonymous User". If a visitor is registered AND logged in to your site, he will be recognized as a "Registered User". The "Administrators" group contains the user you created during the installation.
In the Groups Administration you can manage the access levels of your users. You can "Modify" the existing groups or you can "Create New Groups"

1. Modify Group

Click on "Modify" behind the group you want to edit. You can enter an Name and a Description for every group.
You can modify the permissions of users on 4 main levels - System Admin Rights
Grants access to the System Administration. You can select which sector this group can administrate.

- Module Admin Rights
The same as for System Administration, but especially for the modules.

- Module Access Rights
Select the modules, which this usergroup can visit.

- Block Access Rights (Left / Center / Right)
Select which block will be visible to this usergroup.

"Edit Members of this Group"

Under the Rights Management there is a box for adding or removing users in this group. Just select the user and click on add or remove and the user will be moved from Non-Members to Members or the other way round.

2. Create New Group

If the default groups don't fit your needs or you need special groups you can create your own groups.
Fill in the name and description. Select the needed Permissions and click on "Create New Group".

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