Resized ImageNovaSmart Technology proudly announce Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final ready to be released to the public.

Whats New In AMS 3.00 SEO Final:
AMS 3.00 is a major release, specifically targeted to improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in AMS, so the article published in AMS will get higher ranking in search engine and improve relevancy. AMS 3.00 incorporate with flexible and powerful SEF (Search Engine Friendly) URL that never seen in any XOOPS publishing module such as able to relocate the article to the root, custom path, incorporate subtopic & audience in URL. Subsequence AMS 3.xx release will gradually implement other SEO technique like SEF for topics, custom tag and meta data in order to maximize relevancy.

This release consider STABLE and RECOMMENDED for production site.

Fresh Installation

1) Just unzip package and copy to your xoops folder
2) Click administrator->system admin->modules
3) Click on AMS icon to install

How To Upgrade

1)click administrator->system admin->modules->AMS update (for XOOPS, it is box with green dot)
2)do that one more time (must): click administrator->system admin->modules->AMS update (for XOOPS, it is box with green dot)
3)go to administrator->AMS->preference. If you already have XOOPS EDITOR and phpp Framework, just press submit without changing anything (it is a MUST to update the database).
4)If you don't have XOOPS EDITOR please change this:
EDITOR : change to DHTML
ENABLE EDITOR CHOICE TO USER : No (just for to be safe. Not really needed)
Then press submit.
5) Clear your_xoops/cache, your_xoops/templates_c (XOOPS 2.0.x/2.2.x/ImpressCMS 1.2.x/XOOPSCube Legacy 2.2.x) and your_xoops/xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache, your_xoops/xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile (XOOPS2.3.x/2.4.x)

What Is AMS

AMS is a highly modified version of the News 1.2 for Xoops, and adds a huge amount of features to give the webmasters a lot more control over their content while still maintaining an easy to understand and use interface. AMS is highly scalable, and is geared towards performance, and as such is well suited to large article repositories that attract high amounts of users.


Development of AMS started by before hand over to NovaSmart Technology later on.

The motivation behind AMS development is to produce Article management which is specially optimized for speed and ease the admin/article contributor job. Each feature added with performance in mind.

As a result, AMS is the best balance between good features and performance for large articles website compared to other XOOPS article modules. Read the detail study here

AMS actively develop by until 2005 before abandon. The development of AMS only takeover by NovaSmart and actively develop there start from middle 2007.


Search Engine Friendly : Your article now could be displays in human readable URL.
Eg: =>

WYSIWYG XOOPS editor integration : Your choice of using the default Xoops editor or any editor provided by XOOPS editor; selectable via AMS preferences and submission form (FCKeditor, Koivi, TinyMCE, etc).

NOTE: You MUST install XOOPS editor separately before this feature can be used and for XOOPSCUBE & XOOPS 2.0 you need the XOOPS Framework 1.35

Advanced Spotlight management : Choose your AMS spotlight block layout from 6 different template layouts, and add unlimited spotlight blocks with the option to display article mini stats including total articles, total article reads and total article comments. The all new spotlight block administration area allows you to configure exactly how and where to display your AMS spotlight item. From here you can add new spotlight items, selecting the latest article, the latest article in a topic, a specific article, or use the custom setting to display an image or banner using straight HTML code. You can also set things such as what image to display, wether to use an auto or manual teaser, how many characters the auto teaser should display, what text a manual teaser should contain, whether to display the spotlight item in the spotlight block or not, and item weighting where the lowest weighted item is treated as the main spotlight item.

Complete migration and upgrade script : This script enables you to migrate all content, permissions and comments from all presently released version of the News module. It also enables you to upgrade from AMS 2.2.

View by topic revamped : The view by topic view has undergone a huge overhaul and now presents itself with much more emphasis on navigation via topic and sub-topic.

New breadcrumb navigation system: viewable in the topic and article views for easier browsing.

Topics Manager : Topics manager now has a topic weighting system so you can set the listing order when using the view by topic mode.

Article image selection : You can now select to display the user avatar in addition to the topic or no image when viewing an article.

Article versioning system : allowing you to maintain several versions of the same article of which any one can be edited, deleted or set as the active article at anytime

Banner management with inheritance system : so you can enter banner code to be displayed at a topic, subtopic and article level

Searchable article ID system: for knowledge base like article reference * Article linking to any item within your own site as well as any external web resource with link hit counter visible only to site webmasters

Link topics to any CBB/NewBB 2 forum: which when set displays a 'discuss' button at the bottom of each article under that topic

Blocks listing: most read, most popular and most active authors displayed as an average or as a total. Each block with built in article spotlight feature in one or two column format

Article information header: which gives you author, audience, published date, version number, article ID and read counter at the top of each article

Powerful article management admin console: that displays all articles vital statistics, has powerful filtering, searching and sorting functionality, and gives you access to all the administrative functions you need all in one spot

Audience level system: allows you to specify what groups are able to read the extended article text of each article

All the features of the News 1.2 Module


XOOPS 2.0.x
XOOPS 2.2.x
XOOPS 2.3.x
XOOPS 2.4.x
ImpressCMS 1.2.x
XOOPSCUBE 2.2.x Legacy

AMS 3.00 Final vs AMS 2.52 Final

New Features

> Added - Friendly URL
> Added - Add POST NEW ARTICLE at admin menu (manage article) as per request from users
> Added - Add POST NEW ARTICLE at main article page as per request from users
> Added - Allow to upload ppt/powerpoint


> Enhance - Update backend.php (RSS) to becompatible with XOOPS 2.x.x, ImpressCMS 1.2.x, XOOPSCube Legacy 2.2.x
> Enhance - Automatic clear the template cache when editing spotlight block or enabling SEF
> Enhance - Support new XOOPS Editors and future XOOPS Editors by simply update AMS module
> Enhance - Add default audience permission to all users
> Enhance - Add default topic permission for approval (admin only) and submission (admin + user)
> Enhance - File upload (mime type) permission now can be changed in AMS adminstration preference instead of hard coded
> Enhance - Update mime type detection to the latest list

Bug Fix

> Fix Bug - XOOPS 2.2.x unable to load language file when SEF enabled
> Fix Bug - Fix xoops editor selection disappear in XOOPS 2.3.x (only affect AMS v2.52)
> Fix Bug - Remove unintended debug code (print "OK")
> Fix Bug - sync tblcolor according to new tab count
> Fix Bug - topic hyperlink disappear in breadcrumb when displaying storytopic (based on topic)
> Fix Bug - fix error message occur caused by 0 article or 0 topic

Language change:

Added - define("_AMS_NW_POSTNEWARTICLE", "Post New Article")
Added - define("_AMS_MI_MIME_TYPES","MIME Types");

AMS 2.52 Final vs AMS 2.42 Final

New Features

Added - Check latest version from server (admin->ams->about)
Added - Spotlight block (left/center/right) template can be choose.
Added - Spotlight template can be added straight into template folder and auto detected when install/upgrade
Added - Spotlight templace can have additional php command (see example ams_block_spotlight_ams_right)
Added - Spotlight template can have preview. Just put into XOOPS/modules/AMS/images/spotlight_preview.
Added - ImpressCMS support.
Added - FCKeditor, DHTML,HTMLArea,FCK,tinymce
Added - User can select their favourite editor at submit form
Added - Admin can choose to allow user to select their favourite editor or not


Enhance - Topic permission can be set in Topic Manager
Enhance - About page updated, and put at administration tab.
Enhance - replace some topic image with new image
Enhance - AMS now not depend on phpp/xoopsforge Frameworks anymore
Enhance - replace all deprecated function in xoops 2.3
Change - ams_block_spotlight_xxxx.html change to ams_block_spotlight_ams_xxxx.html
Enhance - some topic image replaced
Enhance - Republish & Expiry date-time box now auto check/uncheck

Bug Fix

Fix Bug - Submit return blank page if didn't install framework from phpp/
Fix Bug - Topic name with an ' (apostrophe) in it, cannot change the weight of that Topic
Fix Bug - After edit, article will disappear for 10 minute
Fix Bug - Republish article didn't reset expiration date
Fix Security - Fix issue reported by trabis regarding potential sql injection in link.php
Fix Bug- AMS now TRULY not depend on phpp/xoopsforge Frameworks anymore (cause blank screen at submit form)

Language change:

Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_DHTML","DHTML");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_HTMLAREA","HtmlArea Editor");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_FCK","FCK WYSIWYG Editor");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_TINYMCE","TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_USER_CHOICE", "Enable Editor Choice To User");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_USER_CHOICE_DESC", "Enable user to choose which editor they want");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_CHOICE", "Editor Choices");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_EDITOR_CHOICE_DESC", "Choices of editors enabled to user");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_SPOTLIGHT_TEMPLATE","Spotlight Templates");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_SPOTLIGHT_TEMPLATE_DESC","Which template enabled to admin to be used in spotlight block");
Added - define("_AMS_MI_ABOUT", "About")
Remove - define("_AMS_MB_SPOTLIGHT_TEMPLATE_CENTER", "Minis Below Main");
Remove - define("_AMS_MB_SPOTLIGHT_TEMPLATE_RIGHT", "Minis Left of Main");
Remove - define("_AMS_MB_SPOTLIGHT_TEMPLATE_LEFT", "Minis Right of Main");

Known Issues:

- Image Manager not working in KOIVI. Work around is... Press "Image Manager" -> CHECKED "HTML" tickbox -> add image (from popup) -> UNCHECK "HTML" tickbox
- "Extended Text" WYSIWYG TinyMCE not working in PHP 4 environment. Its XOOPS Editor bugs, not AMS.


System Requirements:

Other files by: NovaSmart

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

Great job

Lack of importation from SmartSection (& News).


 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

This is really cool..

I will upgrade my ams 2.51 final to 3.0

Good job guys..



 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

Don't worry... AMS 3.10 SEO will officially support SmartSection and News import. I'm working on it right now.


 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

Great news! Tnx!


 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

Hello all.

I still have News module 1.44 and i want to upgrade to this one because is very complete.

Please let me know how i can manage to upgrade to this module.

Do i have to copy the content of the folder to the news one, or is there a way to migrate all my article to this one... PLZ Help.

Best Regards.


 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

Great Job, I am using it and quite happy!

But I have few suggestions. it will be better with:
*Better page navigation thru the article, I mean each page of article should have its title and we can have a list of pages included in the article somewehre in the first page

*Some parents should not be able to host an article, that is use parents as just a parent! it will provide better topic creation.


 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

Hello, I have to upload articles in form of scanned images. But this module scales down every image to a specific size and does not show the original size image. Is there any solution to this?


 Re: Article Management System (AMS) 3.00 SEO Final

Great work, but it does not have the option to publish an article in more than one Topic or sub topic at a time......... is it possible any way?


 Re: Article Management System (AMS)

I'm feel great using AMS 3.0... but i still cant use SEF URL function.. i hope a file containing step of installation be provided.. I've changed .htaccess file but when SEF URL enabled, the link becomes a deadlink...


 Re: Article Management System (AMS)

Hi iDeologi, try this.


 Re: Article Management System (AMS)

Please read this topic and try to solve that problem for the module.
I get this error when i want to install this module: "Module File for Not Found" . I explained it more detailed in above thread. Please help me.


 Re: Article Management System (AMS)

I love this module. I'm in the middle of making a custom theme for my entire site. I just skinned some of the pages in this module but I can't seem to find what file I need to access in order to edit the Add Comment page.


 Re: Article Management System (AMS)

I really like this module, however I'm looking to add a development onto not only this module but most of my other mods. What file in this module controls the database functions for when a user adds a new article. I'm familiar with PHP and MySQL but I searched a few pages and I couldn't find where after a user submits the Add an Article form it tells the database what information to store. I created a new table in my database called points and I want users to receive a certain amount of points every time they write an article or do other related activities on my site. I know how to write the code I'm just not sure what file it's in. I'm sure I overlooked it in the files I did open. If you could email me at that would be great thanks.


 Re: Article Management System (AMS)

Spotlight block edit page - bug and workaround

You cannot edit Spotlight block - when you try, it shows only a blank page (XOOPS 2.5.1a).
I found out that block edit page shows and works when you comment out a function call

in blocks/AMS_spotlight.php (line 80)

I don't know what are consequences of turning out that call. I tried making changes on block settings page a few times and yet everything seems work correctly.



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