Modules: Framework 1.35 - Release
Posted by: wishcraftOn 2008/6/26 2:30:00 17811 readsAttention Xoopers
Welcome to the new framework module this has XoopsGraphs Included this is inline with our distributaries agreement with the Author of jpGraph, over the last couple of months I have been contacted by some of you to make suggestions of other graphing systems to be include, for that I thank you.. Most of those that I looked at such as the JavaGraphs and so on didn't seem to work with mobile web technology as well.
With this version of XoopsGraphs you can generate graphs that can also be seen for example on your mobile phone, image that being able to watch the stock report and pips while you are out on the town. All the other features of XoopsGraphs allow you make extremely complex. XoopsGraphs currently has a GraphFactory so you can add other graphing abstraction layers to this bundle, nothing like a bit of flexibility.
So this is now version 1.35 of Frameworks, which makes for a good system for business and the science sector. Also I Have made a Usage graph for you all for the first example of XoopsGraph, which will eventually be further extended at some point of time. This is a great time, I hope you like the Frameworks Abstractions Layers.
Frameworks 1.35 :
Usages graphing :