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XoopsGallery is a XOOPS module based on the very popular and functional Gallery 1.3.3 web application. With XoopsGallery you can easily create and maintain albums of photos via an intuitive interface within your XOOPS portal system.

See the XoopsGallery website for support.

Reviews total: 2

: theycallmepj 2005/08/18

   "Xoops Gallery"
Well.....gallery is already a very well made photogallery for websites, and the people who take Gallery and integrate it into xoops do a very good job. My only complaint is that they are a little slow at making updates for Xoops Gallery......Gallery is up to 1.5 now and xoops gallery is 1.3. But it works very well....it is a very easy way to maintaine your pictures

: irishrow 2007/10/09

   "I can"
This gallery is basically a copy of Coppermine, without one very important feature:

It just doesn't seem to be able to produce viewable thumbnails. They're awful...undecipherable. I've even increased the quality and size of the thumbnails and recreated the galleries...still awful.

As a result, after many complaints from our club members, we're looking for a new XOOPS gallery solution.

I suggest everyone consider that before implementing this otherwise very serviceable gallery.


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