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With this Xoops module, you can create an unlimited count of news on your site. You can create all the articles you want and attach them to topics.
With a very powerfull permissions management, you can create groups authorized to submit articles and a group authorized to approve them and decide who can see what.
This module is compatible with Php 5.

Short feature list:
- The module respects, everywhere, ALL the permissions.
- A new page "News by the same author"
- Two new links are availables for the article's page, "Previous article" and "Next article"
- You can also add a "Summary table"
- Possibility to rate news
- Authors can edit their posts
- New RSS feeds per topic
> The topics manager has been completly rewrited
> It's now possible to include topics as sub-menus of the main menu
> You can use the Spotlight in two blocs ("Top news" & "Recent Articles") You can even select between a classical view and a tabbed view
> You can set a description for each topic
> For each topic you can select if you want to see it on the front page or not.
> The topics titles are longer (255 characters)
> From the admin part of your site, you can remove (prune) news
> You can export news to the xml format
> When editing or creating a new article, Approvers and Administrators can modify and select the author
> According to a module's option, you can ask the approvers to enter the meta keywords and description for each article
> The block to navigate thru topics has a new option to show the number of news per topic.
> You can use a new block, "random news", all is in the title.
> You can use the module to create a newsletter's content.
> You can see (from the admin panel) some statistics about your topics, news and authors.
> You can assign a color to each topic
> Your visitors can now see your articles in pdf
> You can select the editor to use (dhtml area, spaw, fck editor, htmlarea, simple text area and kiovi)
> A new module's option enable you to highlight (in the articles) the words used in the Xoops search.
> You can use tooltips in your links and title. They contain the first (x) characters of your news.
> For your visitors who are using Mozilla, Firefox and Opera, you can create the content of the site navigation's bar

Changelog for 1.44
> For security reasons, I have removed the Xoops version from the printed version of an article
> I have corrected an error in the block called "Navigate thru topics", the number of news was false, it was counting expired articles (thank you Solo71)
> I have modified the backend.php script so that it uses every news (not only those who are described to be only visible on the homepage)
> The four tables visibles in the module's admin and containing news will now use a pagenav
> I have removed all the htmlentities for multibytes languages
> The number of sql queries of the "top news" and "recent news" blocks was reduced
> There was a minor problem in the pdf generated from a news with its topic's title
> There was a bug when you was editing a news from the admin site (thanks you jlz78)
> I have reduced the count of sql queries in the module's index page
> I have corrected a bug in the option "Enable authors to edit their posts"

Reviews total: 2

: danistell 2005/07/08

   "Php vers. 4.1.1. problems"
...(sorry for my english I am from italy)...
My php version is 4.1.1 and this module appears to be not compatible with this version.
I reported two errors:
a) on 'admin/function.php' file (fatal error: call to undefined function 'array_fill()';
b) on 'class/class.newstory.php' file (fatal error: call to undefined function 'floatval()'.
I fixed this problems:
a) modify all 'array_fill()' in 'admin/function.php' with 'array()';
b) modify all 'floatval()' in 'class/class.newstory.php' with 'int_val()'.
I do not know if this was the correct form to fix these problems, but now the module appears to be working good...

: birdseed 2005/07/15

   "not enough for me"

I work on a site with 1 million page impressions per month on a amd athlon 2400+ server. no money for a better server. Performance IS an issue. So wenn all the textsanitizers, regular expressions, smilie replacers etc. make their job, our server is at the end of his capabilites. we need a "precompiled" version of the article stored on the server in a file structure. news as a core of our xoops1 site doesn´t provide that. and news 1.3 doesn´t either. so i have to look on.

and what i also miss is an image per article, not only a topic image. images can be anywhere with the image uploader. but there is no defined article image like we have on many news sites.

finally i miss a separated definition of allowed format tags. We want to say: in articles, we only allow [h1] [h2] [b] or whatever.

For small sites, news 1.3 might be the optimal choice. But for big sites, it is not enough. My opinion. Anyway, WHAT it does, it does very nice. THIS IS ONLY A PERSONAL REVIEW !!


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