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XPressMe (WordPress for XOOPS)

WordPress is the most popular PHP based blog software — Semantic Personal Publishing Platform. XOOPS is the most secure, powerful, flexible and easy-to-use Content Management System. Combining WordPress and XOOPS, now you have XPressMe!

XPressMe, WordPress for XOOPS, a beautiful integration of blog and CMS.

1 fully takes adavantage of plugin features from WordPress and hack is made on a minmum level, with only ten files changed. Allows compatibility of new version for XOOPS and/or WordPress
2 Two styles of interface available for users, selectable on-fly — XOOPS style and WordPress style. WP style makes XPress like a stand alone WP.
3 Encoding charset is selectable on INSTALL, XOOPS _CHARSET or WordPress original blog charset.
4 WordPress existing plugins still work

Reviews total: 2

: rabideau 2006/02/22

   "Excellent Job!!!!"
This module is simply splendid.

Very easy to install, setup, and use. Excellent work everyone!

: akohtz 2006/03/08

   "WordPress for Xoops Is All You Need"
I wanted to a good blog module for my new xoops powered website and I began the tedious process of evaluating the different blog modules that are out there.

XPress was the only one that did everyting I wanted. I didn't like WebLog or SimpleBlog. Popnupblog was good, but it was klunky and wasn't geared towards my needs. Then I found XPress (WordPress for Xoops) and didn't look back. When they say "a beautiful integration of blog and CMS" they're not kidding.

Forget the other crappy blog modules, download XPress, and you'll be happy.


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