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xcGallery is a gallery module for xoops 2.0.x based on coppermine photo gallery 1.1.0 by Gregory DEMAR.

Reviews total: 2

: Lourdes 2005/03/06

   "Excellent module..."
I highly recommend this module for those of you looking for a very organized, low-maintenance image gallery. Once installed and you have your Albums folder chmodd'd to 777, uploading is a breeze. Some have had issues with the e-card function, but if you don't want to offer e-cards on your site then there is no problem. The layout isn't sloppy and does not have the issue of mis-ordered pictures that effect gallery browsing like MyAlbum-P has. (No offense). This was everything I needed in an image gallery module.

: masterdwarf 2006/07/19

   "Good Mod! Highly Recommend"
I have this running on two sites and have had no problem implementing it or administering it. Worth uploading.


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