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DMS (Document Management System)

Document storage
Basic document checkin/checkout locking capability
Document copy/move within the DMS.
Document lifecycles
Document versioning
Document properties
Document routing (to user inboxes within this DMS)
Document templates (when creating a file, if enabled)
Full Text Search using Swish-E
Keyword Properties Search
User, Group, and Everyone permissions

Changes include:
1. Documents created with a template or currently within a lifecycle have additional information indicating the template name and/or the lifecycle stage on the main screen.
2. Setting the "Document Storage Tuning" value to 0 will result in all of the documents being stored within a single directory within the document repository. This should fix the document upload failures experienced by users trying to run the DMS module on systems where PHP is in safe mode. On systems configured this way, the DMS module should only be used when less than several thousand documents are anticipated.
3. It is now possible for documents to inherit the permssions of the immediate parent folder by setting the inherit_perms setting to 1 within the dms_config table

Reviews total: 5

: Mestophales 2004/12/08

   "Love Is - DMS"
I have this installed as part of an intranet, on a win2k3 box. Runs fast, is stable, and well - I just don't know how I got by without this.

The creators of this module have literally outdone themselves.

: ziyadkz 2005/03/05

   "Need to add Expiry Date on the Documents"
The System works fine,, but it would be helpful if we can add a little more funtionality , like having expiry dates set on documents and allowing to add comments or reviews on documents.

: ummpur 2005/09/13

   "Codument Management System"
I find the instruction of that download poor.

I think I followed the instructions, although they are sometimes a bit difficult to understand, but the system does not run well.

I gave permissions to all necessary folders and always get errors like:
Error: Failure to copy file. Either source path or destination path is not accessable.
It is CHMODed 777

or when uploading files it gives:
Error: Unable to move file.
also here everything necessary CHMODed 777

Just cant get it working. with 2.0.13

: labunas 2008/12/16

I could install this module. The error says "Invalid default value for 'obj_id'" so I don't know whether it is good or not. I am using XOOPS 2.3.1

: apetrusk 2011/11/04

   "DMS Module"
I've used a number of document management applications and for an open source module, DMS is quite good. Documentation for the configuration could be better though. I would like to see the capability added for bulk uploads though.


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