XOOPS 2.5.0 Installation Guide Available for Review

I have updated XOOPS Installation Guide for XOOPS 2.5.0.

You can download it from here.

Please review it and if you see corrections or improvements required, please let me know.

Anybody who would like to translate it into a local language, please let me know and I can provide you with the original as a Word document.
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ixt02905 Olive is a new XOOPS Theme by IXThemes

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What's New in IXThemes Release 4.2?

- Easy Adjustment for ANY WIDTH of Sheet,
- Full RTL support (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Urdu, Syriac, Yiddish, ...),
- The Light Color Scheme,
- Any Block in Slider and Wide Areas,
- Stretched Content Area,
- 9 Widgetized Areas,
- 7 Slide Show Scenarios,
- 3000+ of Layout Variants,
- 3 Variants of Preheader,
- jQuery 1.4.3 included,
- Beautiful Tooltips,
- To TOP Link on any Page,
- Slider with Bullets Pagination,
- Slider Area on/off Switching,
- Sidebar Areas on/off Switching,
- Footer Area on/off Switching.

Other Features of XOOPS Themes by IXThemes:

- 1-2-3 Columns Page Layout,
- Compatible with XOOPS 2.5.x, 2.4.x, 2.3.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns in %%;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Custom Widgets or Module Blocks;
- Two Control Areas for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Areas (none, search, buttons-menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery Library included;
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout,
- Compatible with a FREE IXTFrameWork 1.0.3 module;

Live Demo

ixt02905 Olive Theme on XOOPS 2.5.0,

ixt02905 Olive Theme on XOOPS 2.4.5,

ixt02905 Olive Theme on XOOPS 2.3.3

Free Download

You can download FREE IXTFramework module for managing IXThemes themes here.
This module is compatible with RTCommon Utilities by Red Mexico.

How to

1. You can see HOW TO QUICKLY set an additional areas here
2. You can see HOW TO QUICKLY set an own slides in the slide show area here

Purchase Details of Theme and Support

1. You can familiarise with purchase conditions of this Theme in IXThemes Shop.
2. This theme is delivered with options of width of sheet 1000px. The design of a theme is calculated on easy evolution of a theme for any width of sheet (1024px, 1152px, 1280px, 1400px, 1600px, 1856px, 1920px, 2048px). We will help you with options of width necessary for you after theme purchase.


Red Mexico got new Theme

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Our friend and supporter, Eduardo Cortés (BitC3R0), has redesigned his Website:


and it looks fantastic!

Of course, we're not surprised, since he also designed the current XOOPS Website, after winning a contest among XOOPS Designers.

Eduardo is not only a great theme designer, but also a fantastic developer, who received two XOOPS Innovation Awards for his work on EXM, and RMCommon framework.

To download his latest modules, you can visit his Website

Congratulations, Eduardo to your new Website!
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ForMusS interviewed by Arabxoops Community

It's XOOPS 2.5 time! To learn more about this wonderful version, the Arabxoops Community is pleased to meet the developers of this version. FormusS was our choice , and below is the interview in english.

Who's ForMusS ?

ForMusS is a nickname only for xoops.org, my real nickname on the French supoort site is MusS.
(On Xoops.org, we must have more than five characters, so I have decided to merge my site Foreach and MusS). In reality, my real name is Nicolas Andricq, I am 29 years old and I live near Lyon.

What is your expertise?

Professionally, I am project manager in a software house. I develop some business applications in Progress ABL (Example) for other clients.

What got you to XOOPS ?

In 2004, I sought a way to create a website to manage a list of flash games. I first started with a forum (phpBB) with many mods, but after some update was particularly complex, I wanted an easier way and I stumbled on XOOPS.

I knew nothing about PHP, CSS and even HTML, but one day I started to modify the theme, then I wanted to create a module and I became addicted :)

What do you like the most about XOOPS ?

What I like about XOOPS is its simplicity. This allowed me to learn PHP and create modules. And then, the XOOPS community around me is this great help in learning.

What is your major achievement in programming that you're most proud of ?
Of course the 2.5 version of XOOPS is probably the largest work I have provided.

But first, I learned a lot about the core of XOOPS with the module XoopsHack, this module provide with automatic overide an admin area.
Content modules then also helped me to improve in the use of the XOOPS API and PHP class.

What about your experience in Xoops 2.5 ?
XOOPS 2.5 allowed me to use jQuery.

It also allowed me to work with team members from all four corners of the world.

You got the chance to rewrite the core in 2.5, what are the features you've added? and what is that you wish you added but couldn't:

XOOPS version 2.5 is not a rewrite of the core, but rather that of the module system.

In order to keep it compatible with the next version (eg: X3), it was necessary to limit the changes to the core (except the bugs) and thus make the new without changing the old one.

Xoops 2.5 is full of new innovations, what other innovation are we expecting?

This version completely re-did the administration, but does not change the overall operation.

For me there are still many innovations to integrate. Version X3 will enable us to do it.

After the release of 2.5, and the intorduction of X3, How do you read the future XOOPS and what are your aspirations for the future?

With this version and future versions of XOOPS, I think XOOPS will become one of the most important CMS.

But do not forget the basic principle of XOOPS: its simplicity.

It enables developers to offer new things and make it evolve.

What wishes and advises would you have for the Arab XOOPS community and for Xoopsers arround the world ?

I hope everyone has fun with XOOPS and in their personal life.

It is in this spirit that we can move forward and progress.
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XOOPS 2.5.0 Final Released

Resized Image The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce that a new version of the Top 5 Finalist of 2010 Packt Open Source CMS - XOOPS 2.5.0 Final is available for download. Thanks to everybody who tested the RC1 and RC2 and provided us with feedback and bug fixes! Resized Image Resized Image Resized Image The XOOPS 2.5.0 release is a major redesign of the System Module which has been AJAX-ed with jQuery done mainly by Nicolas Andricq (ForMusS), Cointin Maxime (kraven_30), and Grégory Mage (Mage). Other major contributors include Trabis, Voltan, Kris_fr, and Marco. We also appreciate bug submissions by Onokazu! Some of the new features are truly amazing, like the visual placement of blocks, and we're sure that the users will love them Other major improvements/additions include: - Added: Help System for Admin and modules (see PM module) - Added: MySQL Dump in Maintenance - Added: New Redirect messaging - Added: Column sorting in tables - Added: smarty plugin for icon pack - Added: smarty plugin for breadcrumb navigation - Added: jQuery plugins for display popup or manage drag & drop - Added: File Manager (Plugin) - Added: Maintenance with Cache Clean-up, and Tables Maintenance - Added: Visual module ordering with drag & drop - Added: Visual block placement with drag & drop - Added: Refactor all PHP code for use XOOPS API - Added: Use template in the same way that front user, admin side for module can call a main template define in xoops_version.php - Added: Allow override of template in admin theme like frontend if we set template in ADMIN_THEME - Added: New variable 'system_menu' in xoops_version.php of each module, this variable generate a tab menu for module admin side if set to 1, this feature is for give one unique tab menu for all menu (eg: module PM for). - Added: add jquery plugin in xoops_lib - Added: change install for install admin template and admin setting - Added: manage editor for blocks, comments and for all module if module developper want to use it activate or deactivate system section - Added: choose number of line for admin section - Added: display or hide tips Avatar: - activate/deactivate avatar with ajax Banners: - jquery popup for display banners Block admin: - drag n drop block for manage position and weight - jquery popup for preview Comments: - multiple selection for deletion - purge Groups: - number of user per group - new disposition Images: - lightbox preview + thumbs Modulea Admin: - jquery popup for display info Preferences: - system settings Smilies: - activate/deactivate smilies with ajax Templates: - manage overide of all template online - generated file come from database User Rank: - activate/deactivate userrank with ajax Users: - advanced user management - new disposition - simple and advance search For a detailed Change log, please click here. Videos To see the main features of XOOPS 2.5.0, check out the following videos that were made for the Alpha release: a) In Spanish (by Uskola 2) b) In English (by Vamptrix) c) In English (by Mamba) d) In French (by tutoxoops)


Download it from Sourceforge repository. Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this forum We also need help with Translations
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ixt03001 Frost is a winter XOOPS Theme by IXThemes

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Than Themes by IXThemes Differ from Others?

- Any Language Ready,
- Full RTL support (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Urdu, Syriac, Yiddish, ...),
- The Light Colour Scheme,
- Any Block in Slider and Wide Areas,
- Stretched Content Area,
- 9 Widgetized Areas,
- 7 Slide Show Scenarios,
- 3000+ of Layout Variants,
- 3 Variants of Preheader,
- jQuery 1.4.3 included,
- Beautiful Tooltips,
- To TOP Link on any Page,
- Slider with Bullets Pagination,
- Slider Area on/off Switching,
- Sidebar Areas on/off Switching,
- Footer Area on/off Switching.

Other Features of XOOPS Themes by IXThemes:

- 1-2-3 Columns Page Layout,
- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns in %%;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Custom Widgets or Module Blocks;
- Two Control Areas for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Areas (none, search, buttons-menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery Library included;
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout,
- Compatible with a FREE IXTFrameWork 1.0.3 module;

Live Demo

ixt03001 Frost Theme on XOOPS 2.5.0,

ixt03001 Frost Theme on XOOPS 2.4.5,

ixt03001 Frost Theme on XOOPS 2.3.3

Free Download

You can download FREE IXTFramework module for managing IXThemes themes here

How to

1. You can see HOW TO QUICKLY set an additional areas here
2. You can see HOW TO QUICKLY set an own slides in the slide show area here

Purchase Details of Theme

1. Unlike developers of free themes we offer FREE SUPPORT to the buyers and updating of NEW RELEASES by themes.
2. You can familiarise with purchase conditions of this Theme in IXThemes Shop.

Your site will be seen many by good people. Choose quality!

How to quickly prepare a slide show for Christmas on XOOPS 2.5.0

1. Download or receive e-mail theme archive. (For example ixt0290542hunter.zip)

2. Unpack archive

3. Copy unpacked a directory (for example ixt0290542hunter) in a directory /themes

On the admin side

4. Close access for visitors of a site except the administrator
Modules -> System -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Turn your site off? -> Yes -> Go!

5. Make a theme (for example ixt0290542hunter) by default theme
Modules -> System -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Default Theme -> (for example ixt0290542hunter) -> Go!

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6. Create blocks for a slide show area
Modules -> System -> Blocks
At creation of blocks make their invisible and title empty

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7. Define numbers of the created blocks
The mouse cursor guide at link EDIT and you will see number BID in the end of URI

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8. Open a file assigns.html in Templates Manager (for example /themes/ixt0290542hunter/tpl/assigns.html)

9. Appoint numbers of blocks for slides (line 24 in theme release 4.2)

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$this->assign('ixt_slblocks', array('ixt10','ixt16','ixt13','ixt17'));

$this->assign('ixt_slblocks', array('bid0','bid1',...,'bidN'));

10. Open access for visitors of a site
Modules -> System -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Turn your site off? -> No -> Go!

On the user side

11. Reload a page and look the blocks in slide show of a theme by IXThemes
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CineCine Xoops Themes By Agadirna

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Theme Naime: CineCine

Designed by: Agadirna

Category: 3 Column Themes

Two versions: Arabic and English

Demo Click Here

Download Click Here


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ixt02905 Monster Hunter is a dark XOOPS Theme by IXThemes

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What's New in IXThemes Release 4.2?

- The dark colour scheme,
- Any Block in Slider and Wide Areas,
- Stretched Content Area,
- 9 Widgetized Areas,
- 7 Slide Show Scenarios,
- 3000+ of Layout Variants,
- 3 Variants of Preheader,
- jQuery 1.4.3 included,
- Beautiful Tooltips,
- To TOP Link on any Page,
- Slider with Bullets Pagination,
- Slider Area on/off Switching,
- Sidebar Areas on/off Switching,
- Footer Area on/off Switching.

Other Features of XOOPS Themes by IXThemes:

- 1-2-3 Columns Page Layout,
- Compatible with XOOPS 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.5.x;
- Tested on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE6/7/8;
- Flexible and SIMPLE adjustment of columns in %%;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Header;
- Very SIMPLE replacement image background for Footer;
- Roll-up Blocks in Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- Presets for Visibility of Roll-up Blocks;
- Customizable Expanded Footer with 4 Custom Widgets or Module Blocks;
- Two Control Areas for hide/show Footer and Left or Right Sidebars;
- Customizable Expanded Header;
- Self-adjusted Horizontal Menu Bar;
- Customizable Preheader Areas (none, search, buttons-menu);
- Customizable Concatenation of Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar;
- jQuery Library included;
- Customizable LCR, LRC, RLC, CLR, CRL, LC, CR, RC, CL Columns Layout,
- Compatible with a FREE IXTFrameWork 1.0.3 module;

Live Demo

ixt02905 Hunter Theme on XOOPS 2.5.0,

ixt02905 Hunter Theme on XOOPS 2.4.5,

ixt02905 Hunter Theme on XOOPS 2.3.3

Free Download

You can download FREE IXTFramework module for managing IXThemes themes here

How to

You can see HOW TO QUICKLY set additional areas and slides here

Purchase Details of Theme

You can familiarise with purchase conditions of this Theme in IXThemes Shop.

Your site will be seen many by good people. Choose QUALITY!

XOOPS Receiving the 2010 NEA OSS Forum Award

Open in new window Open in new window Open in new window

The North East Asia OSS Forum, held Nov. 2-4 in Seoul, Korea, was an amazing event.

First, it was impressive to see three countries (China, Japan, Korea) working so closely together on promoting Open Source Software in their region.

Secondly, and this was much closer to our heart, it was so touching to receive the "Best Technology Award" for the upcoming X3 version of XOOPS. The judges were impressed with X3 architecture, its usage of state-of-the-art PHP libraries such as Zend Framework and Smarty 3, and the direction XOOPS is taking toward becoming a "Web Application-oriented development platform"

I was honored to receive this award on behalf of XOOPS Project and our whole community, and especially on behalf of the developers working on X3.

I was also honored to meet so many legendary Open Source leaders, such as Mr. Masahiro Date, Vice Chairman of the Linux Foundation and General Manager at Fujitsu ,  Prof. Lu Shou Qun, Chairman of the China Open Source Software Promotion Forum , and Mr. Saso Hideyuki, Senior Executive Vice President of Fujitsu Limited, and Chairman of the Japan OSS Promotion Forum, Prof. Minsuk Lee from Hansung University, and many others. It was truly amazing to be able to discuss Open Source issues with them, and to learn from their vast experiences and views.

Being among these giants of Open Source development, and to represent XOOPS there,  will be something that I will never forget!

As a XOOPS Community we can be so very proud of this Award!

Thank you DJ for all your hard work on X3! I am sure that X3 will bring XOOPS to the next level!

For more pictures from this event, please visit our Flickr

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