Themes: How to quickly set additional areas and slides in a theme by IXThemes

Posted by: algalochkinOn 2010/11/9 9:50:00 4815 reads
Variant A

1. Download or receive e-mail theme archive. (For example

2. Unpack archive

3. Copy unpacked a directory (for example ixt0290542whitehoney) in a directory /themes

On the admin side

4. Close access for visitors of a site except the administrator
Modules -> System -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Turn your site off? -> Yes -> Go!

5. Make a theme (for example ixt0290542whitehoney) by default theme
Modules -> System -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Default Theme -> (for example ixt0290542whitehoney) -> Go!

6. Create blocks for additional areas of a theme (expanded header, slide show, top wide area, bottom wide area, expanded footer)
Modules -> System -> Blocks
At creation of blocks make their invisible

7. Define numbers of the created blocks
The mouse cursor guide at link EDIT and you will see number BID in the end of URI

Outside of XOOPS (for XOOPS earlier 2.5.0) or use the editor of templates in XOOPS 2.5.0

8. Open a file assigns.html (for example /themes/ixt0290542whitehoney/tpl/assigns.html)

9. Appoint numbers of blocks for slides (line 24 in theme release 4.2)
$this->assign('ixt_slblocks', array('ixt10','ixt16','ixt13','ixt17'));

$this->assign('ixt_slblocks', array('','',...,''));

10. Appoint numbers of blocks for Expanded Footer Block0 (line 25 in theme release 4.2)
$this->assign('ixt_efblocks0', array('ixt04'));

$this->assign('ixt_efblocks0', array('','',...,'));

11. Appoint numbers of blocks for Expanded Footer Block1 (line 26 in theme release 4.2)
$this->assign('ixt_efblocks1', array('ixt01'));

$this->assign('ixt_efblocks1', array('','',...,'));

12. Appoint numbers of blocks for Expanded Footer Block2 (line 27 in theme release 4.2)
$this->assign('ixt_efblocks2', array('ixt02'));

$this->assign('ixt_efblocks2', array('','',...,'));

13. Appoint numbers of blocks for Expanded Footer Block3 (line 28 in theme release 4.2)
$this->assign('ixt_efblocks3', array('ixt09'));

$this->assign('ixt_efblocks3', array('','',...,'));

14. Appoint numbers of blocks for Top Wide Area (line 29 in theme release 4.2)
$this->assign('ixt_wblocks1', array('ixt07','ixt04'));

$this->assign('ixt_wblocks1', array('','',...,'));

15. Appoint numbers of blocks for Bottom Wide Area (line 30 in theme release 4.2)
$this->assign('ixt_wblocks2', array('ixt08'));

$this->assign('ixt_wblocks2', array('','',...,'));

On the admin side

16. Open access for visitors of a site
Modules -> System -> Preferences -> General Settings -> Turn your site off? -> No -> Go!

On the user side

17. Reload a page and look the blocks in additional areas of a theme by IXThemes

PS. There are some more variants of manual adjustment of additional blocks and adjustment by means of the IXTFramework module.