After noticing the substantial number of Church/Christian-related websites now powered by Xoops, we have decided to open XoopsHQas a resource for Church/Christian webmasters, as a place to meet, share experiences and make suggestions for the best modules and themes for Christian sites.
Your friendly admins are shaxs, who kindly donated the domain name and hosting, and Bassman. However we need yourinput to make the site a success.
This is not meant to be a replacement for the wonderful site, more like a meeting place for like-minded webmasters to get together.
We were running PHP-Nuke and had a number of vulnerabilities that we thought we had patched, but got hacked a number of times anyway. Being a PC help site that's over 4600 members, (which is also involved in the fight against spyware/malware) we needed something secure.
Looking into Xoops and starting to use it, I really, REALLY started to like the way it looked, the admin interface, and everything else about it.
We DO use IPB for our forum, which is NOT integrated with Xoops (mostly for security reasons), but we really like Xoops as our CMS!
I have released phpmyadmin 2.6.0 rc2 for xoops. I have tested this version on the latest xoops core and it works perfect. Hopefully, it works on older versions also. This is a release candidate and the final versiond of 2.6.0 doesnt look like its out.
Feel free to use this. :)
You can see a screenshot here and you can download it here. Have fun.
Please report all bugs to Credit goes to the author that coded the config file. Thanks!
Been a long time since there was a new release of xComics, but I haven't been doing nothing in that time. This time a brand new release. Fully rewritten, configfile has been dumped and been replaced by sql.
h is my private domain. It's made with some static pages and the usage of xoops modules - contact, news 1.2, myalbum and cloned tiny contents. I began to make this site making a static html page, and then i made it fit the THEME. Static sites will be replaced using xoopsmodules in the future (if i find the time) but it seems that searchengines love that static sites :) ...
No digas is another personal site in spanish. The objective, at least for the author, is to learn on web development. I choose Xoops after a long investigation process.
Thanks to the great CMS of Xoops, September 15, was born. It's main purpose is to be a career resource and networking site for North Carolina professionals. The site has career search, networking forums, plus so much more. We hope that the site will become one of the main career search engines for North Carolinians. Let us know what you think of the site.... - A site devoted to superstar musician Utada
Utada Net // - Yet another site that has been made possible by Xoops! the most versitile CMS around.
This is a new site devoted to the singer Utada, who is the latest topic of music industry talk and chatter. She will soon be releasing her newest album "EXODUS" to the US this October. It will feature the singles "Easy Breezy", "Devil Inside", & "Exodus '04" among others. Everyone keep your ears peeled for America's next biggest thing!
MaxMZone proudly releasing the first public use Advanced Xoops Themes.
IceBird which is the preview release version and this is lightly to be a finished theme. Try it out and give a comment at the MaxMZone community (forums).
Note: There's places you can edit the image and menu, the top blank header and the top menu just right above the wide short blue box (LoginBar). Recommend "The GIMP" at for information.