Xortify 2.56 - Antispam, Antiharvesting, Antibot Cloud

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Xortify 2.56 - Fortify your XOOPS.
Community release by Chronolabs Co-op.

Xortify is a network security drone that uses Web 2.0 techniques to link between your XOOPS installs and other via a Server Cloud. This will prevent security intrusions to your xoops with accurate deceptive notation of the intruder and prevent any farmed attacks. It is an accessory and required Protector to be installed an running to be part of the hookup. Otherwise it will run without protector just make sure you deselect protector as a provider.

It will display a template if you are banned and is an accessory to protector or any other firewall technology. The site itself is driven from http://xortify.chronolabs.coop and mirrored at http://www.xortify.com .. Cloud computing is web 2.0/3.0 stuff it used a SOAP or JSON, XML or Serialisation to exchange on the API backend to work, this will eventually be included in xoops as a support class.

A cloud computing process is one which staggers multiple networks sometime and mainly unknown to the webmaster into a network or cloud of data. In this example it is IP and Netaddy names to control access lists.

This will prevent predators from exposing your network to lag and other attacks from link farming, often this means many xoops are attacked in occasions which is all the time caught by protector, this way if an attack is in process across a large spectrum of links, your site will down itself to your sourced attack even if it is discovered on a completely unaffiliated site that is link farmed to yours or on a XOOPS User list.

Xortify is a cloud solution to protectors Bad IPs, if someone attempts to hack your site and becomes a bad IP it will then send the IP to the Ban Cloud on Xortify.com and its paired cloud Xortify.chronolabs.coop. It will also poll the server to make sure it has the latest ban list so your website will be aware of malusers before they attack through farming IP from services like Google or bing.

Watch this video to understand more about Xortify!

Download: xoops2.5_xortify_2.56.zip - 179Kb
Sourceforge Mirror: xoops2.5_xortify_2.56.zip - 179Kb
Server: xoops2.5_xortify-server_1.26.zip - 1.61Mb
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Forum: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74404&forum=66&post_id=342203#forumpost342203
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UI Tabs 1.03 - Tabulated Display in content or block - with images

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UI Tabs 1.03
Community Release by Fibredyne Pty Ltd

UI Tabs 1.03 is a tab displaying framework/modules for XOOPS 2.4.x, 2.5.x, 2.6.x it allows for core tabs to be made with associated items filled in including image, summary and profile pages with a fulll description. First Stable Release.

Some Features:
  • Multiple tabs
  • Default Tab
  • Basic Recommendation Engine
  • Votes
  • Image per node on tab
  • Image watermarking
  • Compatible with flowplayer 1.02 or later
  • Compatible with Matrixstream 1.06 or later
  • Compatible with Tag 2.3 or later
  • Selectable Editor

System Requirements:
  • XOOPS 2.4.x
  • XOOPS 2.5.x
  • XOOPS 2.6.x

Download: xoops2.5_uitabs_1.03.zip - 180Kb
Mirror: xoops2.5_uitabs_1.03.zip - 180Kb
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Forum: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74402&post_id=342195#forumpost342195
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XOOPS 2.5.4 RC Released

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.4 RC.

This release is focused on updating our libraries to the latest versions:

- phpMailer 5.1
- TinyMCE 3.4.6
- jQuery 1.6.4
- jQueryUI 1.8.16

We have also updated all Core modules (PM, Profile, Protector) to Mage's ModuleAdmin GUI, so all of them have a consistent "look & feel":

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And we have fixed few bugs. See the Changelog for more details.

Please remember: This is RC (Release Candidate) version for features testing only!!!!

DO NOT install it on a production site and DO NOT upgrade any production site with it!!!

Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this forum

We also need help with Translations

System requirements

Any PHP version >= 5.2 (PHP 5.3+ is strongly recommended)

MySQL server 5.0+

Web server:
Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended)

Downloading XOOPS

You can get this release package from the Sourceforge repository.
There are .zip and .gz archives provided.
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APCal v.2.0.0 Beta - Calendar with Maps for Xoops 2.4/2.5

APCal v2.0.0 Beta module will let you show an events calendar with maps on your website. Other interesting feautures have been added, most are optional. This module is based on PiCal.

It will automatically copy your DATA from piCal for an easy transition.

This is a major step forward from APCal v 1.0.6

Visit http://xoops.antiquespromotion.ca to download it!


- Monthly view with linear view for one event (instead of repeating over and over)
- Thumbnail pictures with viewer in event view.
- Seperate field for website and e-mail.
- Each category have its own color.
- Legend of categories with categories colors.
- More neutral colors for theme images, should be a better fit with most website.
- Reorganisation of admin preferences.
- Tell a friend feature.
- New sharing buttons (LindedIn and Delicious).
- Option : Add pictures to an event including a separated main picture.
- Option : Main picture display in Monthly View (on mouse over), List View, Daily View and Weekly View.
- Option : Choose which category will be used for an event (as we keep multi-category feature).
- Option : Choose different hours for the same event (if multiple days are selected).

Please reports all problems quickly for this new version on xoops.antiquespromotion.ca or here.
We will try to have a RC version within a week.

Original Features:

- Option : map showing all events location.
- Markers with number representing the date of event with next event first.
- Option : individual map showing event location.
- Optimised for Google (Title and Description).
- Option : display title of categories in H1
- Possible to add a description in HTML for each categories.
- Option : API that allows webmasters to show easily your calendar on their website (linking back to your site).
- Improved customizable theme.
- Option : navigation menu to see previous and next event
- Option : bigger columns for chosen days.
- Option : display the share this calendar link.
- Option : perpetual holidays for USA (En), Canada (En), Quebec (Fr), France (Fr).
- Option : URL Rewrite if allowed by server

- 4 Different views (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly).
- Users can add events if permission is granted.
- Export to ICS format.
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xTransam 1.16 - Manual/Automated Translation Tool

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xTransam 1.16
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-Op

Automated Language Translator for XOOPS 2.5.x, 2.6.x, all languages on the google API Supported. X-Transam 1.14 RC is a translator for XOOPS - it allows for core language files as well as module language file. It will import them off the hosting and write them in the correct XOOPS Location. Supports utf-8, utf-16, utf-32 & Unicode All formats.

Compatible with all Unicode, utf-8, utf-16, uft-32.

Please watch this introductory demo of XTransam 1.15

From Chronolabs & The XOOPS Project

  • Multiple Translation API Plugin System
  • Manual Translation
  • File by File Editor
  • Import a define keyword set
  • write to system
  • admin only
  • encoded storage (Any Database)
  • Recursive folder reproduction
  • 2 APIs for Automated Translation

System Requirements:
  • XOOPS 2.5.0 +

Bug Fixes:
  • Google API Provider - Array Postion of Translated Text
  • Google API Provider - Array Position of Error Code & Message

Please note I do believe the Google API doesn't work on local host ( this has always returned a message that it has reached is daily limit.

Download: xoops2.5_xtransam_1.16.zip - 114Kb
Mirror: xoops2.5_xtransam_1.16.zip - 114Kb
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
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Profile Module 1.72 - Geospatial Controlled Registration

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Profile 1.72
Verbose Validation Edition
Community Release by Fiberdyne

Profile 1.72 is a version of Profile module for XOOPS that allows for a verbose registration to be done.

This has a field for validation that allows for Text Match, RegEx or SQL Validation to be used to prevent people registering with your website without having validation data of sometype such as an existing email address or an invite code or some regular expression statement.

Featuring still Multiple Fields, 2 Types of validation - one which uses JSON; the other that uses the Field $_POST validation method.

Simply upgrade your existing XOOPS 2.4 or 2.5 to XOOPS Profile 1.65 to experience the difference. We can really recommend XinCodes 1.05 for a user based invitation to be done.

Now with IP Validation so an IP Address can be only used once to register. THis means you can check you are not being signed up by an Indian SEO Sweat Shop and other such misbehaviour in signup.

New in this feature:
  • IPInfoDB Location Controlable of Registration
  • Upgrade of Recaptcha Resource Files

Some Other Features:
  • IP Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Proxy IP Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Netbios Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Recaptcha.net - Remember to change the API Keys
  • Verbose Validation - SQL or Match or RegEx Match Validation
  • Directory - Browsable directory of users
  • Multifielded User Profiles - Set your own variables

Download: xoops2.5_profile_1.72.zip - 141 Kb
Mirror: xoops2.5_profile_1.72.zip - 141 Kb

Demo: Pre installed at http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop or try http://www.xortify.com/register.php and put in my email address for validation. Notice how it unlocks the form wherever it is.

--=[ Example SQL Validation for a basis of pre-existing users email, remember to change 'prefix']=--

Select count(*) from `prefix_userswhere `emailLIKE "[value]" and `level` > 0
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XOOPS HTML Classes v1.0

I created classes for the attributes to be included in HTML pages to facilitate the rewriting of several lines of recursive code. There are only 4 classes for now, but I'm working to create all the attributes that relate to this, except for the forms that already exist in the class / xoopsform.

A test by the team is necessary, for possible inclusion in future versions of xoops.

WARNING: These classes are to be tested because they are not yet complete for inclusion with the Core. Know use by testing out of XOOPS, as I type on the WAMP Server from http://www.wampserver.com

- XoopsHtmlHeading
- XoopsHtmlTable
- XoopsHtmlTableCaption
- XoopsHtmlTableHeaderCell
- XoopsHtmlTableCell
- XoopsHtmlTableRow
- XoopsHtmlDiv
- XoopsHtmlParagraph
- XoopsHtmlBookmark
- XoopsHtmlBlock
- XoopsHtmlSpan
- XoopsHtmlImage
- XoopsHtmlComment
- XoopsHtmlList
- XoopsHtmlListItem

These can be used in conjunction with smarty templates and themes.

Eg: for the header in theme, in the theme.html file just enter the variables smarty, html - head - title - meta - link - script - body and manipulate the code from the core or a module in administration.

I look forward to your feedback


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Free theme - Sparkling

Here is a new free theme called Sparkling.

The original design is taken from http://www.freecsstemplates.org/ and adapted for Xoops by me. The theme has 2 columns and is pretty clean. Enjoy!

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Download from here
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TDMCreate 1.38 Alpha 1

Only for testing

TDMCreate is a module for creating XOOPS modules.

What's new?

- Added two files into administration. for file management and creation of language files.

- Added two class files. management fields for languages ​​and file management.

- Improved page file on the user side.

- Added language variables in admin.php and modinfo.php (Italian only)


Discuss in this Thread
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Flowplayer 1.02 - Secure Video Streams for XOOPS

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Flowplayer 1.02 - Secure Video Streams for XOOPS
Community Release by Fibredyne

Flowplayer 1.02 is a module for display securely video streams. It allows various customisable options like blocks and video stream content to allow for video streams to list themselves within your XOOPS Site.

Watch this introductory video on Flowplayer 1.02:

XOOPS Offers a range of choice and solutions the following module includes these features:

  • Administration for Listing Video Streams
  • Customisable ID References
  • Video Stream Block
  • Width and Height Customisation
  • AJAX Video Stream Loading so your URL are not exposed
  • Minute by Minute Passkey protection
  • Forcable JQuery
  • Customiable Encryption Salt

Why work your but off when you can create a module from this freely distributed listing module today!

  • XOOPS 2.4 or 2.5

Download: xoops2.5_flowplayer_1.02.zip (531Kb)
Sourceforge: xoops2.5_flowplayer_1.02.zip (531Kb)
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
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