Happy New Year 2012

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Wishing all XOOPSers around the world a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

May 2012 be the best for all of you and for XOOPS!

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3 news templates FREE for Xoops

Xoops Demo presents three new themes and suitable for FREE Xoops


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XDGrey is based on the default theme and template consists of three templatemo_162_gray_company.It consists of three colonnes. Compatible with Xoops 2.4.x and more Compatible with: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera

Downloads : here

See : here

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XDClassified is based on the default theme and template Classified. It consists of three colonnes.Compatible with Xoops 2.4.x and more Compatible with: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera

Downloads: here

See : here

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XDBlack_wall is based on the default theme and template templatemo_335_black_wall. It consists of three colonnes.Compatible with Xoops 2.4.x and more Compatible with: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera

Downloads : here

See : here
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XOOPS Translation Teams using Transifex - calling for Volunteers

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We've started building XOOPS Translation Teams using a Web-based tool called Transifex (http://www.transifex.net)

Who could volunteer to help us with that?

If your language is not there, please let us know and we'll add it there.

We would like to have at least one native speaker on each team. Of course, we can have more than one Coordinators for the team.

Please register on

and apply to the following teams in:

Below is the list of current languages, and people who have volunteered to help with translations and coordination. Obviously we need more, so please volunteer.

Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (ar_SA)- Coordinators: arabxoops , mariane
Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (bs_BA)
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) (bg_BG) - Coordinator: ep98
Chinese (China) (zh_CN) - Coordinator: hunnuh
Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW) - Coordinator: tad0616
Croatian (Croatia) (hr_HR) - Coordinators: sadistiko
Czech (Czech Republic) (cs_CZ) - Coordinators: ZPC
Danish (Denmark) (da_DK) - Coordinators: anderssk
Dutch (Netherlands) (nl_NL) - Coordinators: Cath22, flipse, Ritchie, poehoes
English (United States) (en_US) - Coordinator: Mamba
French (France) (fr_FR) - Coordinators: Philou
German (Germany) (de_DE) - Coordinators: computermobil, gizmono, Sittel
Greek (Greece) (el_GR) - Coordinators: ksilas, kakos
Hebrew (Israel) (he_IL)
Hungarian (Hungary) (hu_HU)

Italian (Italy) (it_IT) - Coordinators: txmodxoops, Defkon1
Japanese (Japan) (ja_JP) - Coordinator: keiichishiga
Korean (Korea) (ko_KR) - Coordinator: wanikoo
Malay (Malaysia) (ms_MY) - Coordinator: ybk78
Norwegian (Norway) (no_NO)- Coordinator: Runeher
Persian (Iran) (fa_IR) - Coordinator: voltan
Polish (Poland) (pl_PL) - Coordinator: tomaszstempkowicz
Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) - Coordinators: Andrax, Edipinho
Russian (Russia) (ru_RU) - Coordinators: Deka87, MACTEP
Serbian (Serbia) (sr_RS)
Slovak (Slovakia) (sk_SK) - Coordinator: chaoos
Slovenian (Slovenia) (sl_SI)
Spanish (Spain) (es_ES) - Coordinators: bitcero, oswaldo
Swedish (Sweden) (sv_SE)
Thai (Thailand) (th_TH)

Turkish (Turkey) (tr_TR) - Coordinator: ThE_lAmP
Vietnamese (Viet Nam)
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WURLF 2.01 - Mobile Computing Theme Repository/Switcher

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WURFL 2.01 - Mobile Computing Theme Switcher
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

WURFL is a module that will allow theme designers to implement themes customised for Mobile Computing. WURFL is a XML Database that this module will import and allow for propogation of it resources on User Agent based browsing of mobile phones.

WURFL is a world leader in Mobile communication data and this module utilizes WURFL from sourceforge (see. http://wurfl.sourceforge.net). This module is now complete with Theme Switching depending on the capabilities of the mobile computing device whether it be phone or pad.

This module will propogate data on the <{$wurfl}> smarty tag as well as other tags which names are specifiable in the preferences now. These assocative arrays are on depths, you can set which providers you require for data to conversely populate on the source.

Watch this video to understand more about WURFL 2 Series!

Taken from http://wurfl.sourceforge.net/

Welcome to the WURFL
the Wireless Universal Resource FiLe
by Luca Passani, ScientiaMobile

So... What is WURFL?
WURFL is a Device Description Repository (DDR), i.e. a software component which contains the descriptions of thousands of mobile devices. In its simplest incarnation, WURFL is an XML configuration file plus a set of programming APIs to access the data in real-time environments. The main scope of the WURFL Project is to be an independent central repository of device information, which Open-Source developers from around the globe can utilize to build their mobile web applications.

All the information listed in WURFL has been collected by ScientiaMobile and the community of WURFL users from many different countries. WURFL can be used in any application, free or commercial. In the spirit of the originators of the project, open-source developers who adopt WURFL should share device information with the rest of the community. This will help WURFL to grow better and better every day.

WURFL is deployed by companies such as Facebook and Google. Carriers around the globe deploy it in mission-critical environment with fantatistic performance and reliability. In terms of adoption, WURFL is today more popular than UAProf solutions and solutions from commercial DDR vendors.

This will allow theme designers and module writters to search for data regarding mobile computing and allow for knowledge in the theme of RSS, CSS, Display Size, Image Types, Sound Fontage, and other data such as SMS and MMS.. As well as information about CHTML or XHTML sources.

Please enjoy this module as I have enjoyed writting it.

Download: xoops2.5_wurfl_2.01.zip - 1675Kb
Sourceforge Mirror: xoops2.5_wurfl_2.01.zip - 1675Kb
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Comments & Bugs: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74618&post_id=343353#forumpost343353
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Profile 1.75 - Verbose Registration, Recaptcha & Speed Testing - XOOPS 2.5 (only)

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Profile 1.75
Verbose Validation Edition
Community Release by Fiberdyne

Profile 1.75 is a version of Profile module for XOOPS that allows for a verbose registration to be done. It also allows for a Speed Test with the Speedtest module to be run before registration for user limits to be placed on internet speed for registering for a site.

This has a field for validation that allows for Text Match, RegEx or SQL Validation to be used to prevent people registering with your website without having validation data of sometype such as an existing email address or an invite code or some regular expression statement.

Featuring still Multiple Fields, 2 Types of validation - one which uses JSON; the other that uses the Field $_POST validation method.

Simply upgrade your existing XOOPS 2.5 to XOOPS Profile 1.75 to experience the difference. We can really recommend XinCodes 1.05 for a user based invitation to be done.

Now with IP Validation so an IP Address can be only used once to register. THis means you can check you are not being signed up by an Indian SEO Sweat Shop and other such misbehaviour in signup.

New in this feature:
  • Downlink Speedtest Controlable of Registration
  • Uplink Speedtest Controlable of Registration

Some Other Features:
  • IPInfoDB Location Controlable of Registration
  • Upgrade of Recaptcha Resource Files
  • IP Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Proxy IP Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Netbios Address Field - With Registration Validation
  • Recaptcha.net - Remember to change the API Keys
  • Verbose Validation - SQL or Match or RegEx Match Validation
  • Directory - Browsable directory of users
  • Multifielded User Profiles - Set your own variables

Download: xoops2.5_profile_1.75.zip - 200 Kb
Mirror: xoops2.5_profile_1.75.zip - 200 Kb
Demo: Pre installed at http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop - rememeber to upgrade the module.
Bugs & comments: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74621&post_id=343359#forumpost343359

--=[ Example SQL Validation for a basis of pre-existing users email, remember to change 'prefix']=--

Select count(*) from `prefix_userswhere `emailLIKE "[value]" and `level` > 0
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Speedtest 1.03 - Internet Speed Test

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Speedtest 1.03 - Internet Speed Test
Community Release by Fibredyne Pty Ltd

Speed test is based on Brandon Checketts opens source speed test (see: http://www.brandonchecketts.com/open-source-speedtest)

* Upload and download bandwidth tests
* Interactive user experience
* Very customizable
* Saves results in a database
* Restrict to particular networks / IP Addresses
* Customizable look
* Customizable maximum file sizes

Whats Changed in this version
* No more CGI (all in php)

Bugs Fixed
* None Object Name Call of Form Submission

Special Thanks to M. Dagn from http://www.spraci.com for converting the perl to PHP

Download: xoops2.5_speedtest_1.03.zip - 114Kbs
Sourceforge: xoops2.5_speedtest_1.03.zip - 114Kbs
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
Bugs & Comments: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=74620&post_id=343358#forumpost343358
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X-Forum 5.81 -Multifielded Forum with Extras, Multisite & Multilingual - XOOPS 2.5 (Only)

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X-Forum 5.81
Multifielded Forum with Extras, Multisite & Multilingual
Community Release by Chronolabs Co-op

X-Forum is a completely extensible forum module for XOOPS, this is the complete stable release of the first version of 5 series, it includes multiple fields specifiable per post on individualized forums much like profile module.

Designed for XOOPS 2.5 and later version, it was written in response to problems with earlier forum titles, that had in some cases installation issues. With a broad range of options. X-Forum is a great solution to your forum requirements, complete with RSS Features and image management. It will utilise a wide range of options and allow your community to discuss issues, raise topic and solution. Complete with .htaccess example and SEO with a medium URL.

It has the ability to aggregate categories and forums to languages as well as domains with multisite 1.40 or X-Language. This means you can have forms and forum which only display on particular domains or under certain languages.

With X-Forum you can have all the convenience of the modular newbb path without the result. Based on CBB with a sound environment that even your grandma can use, I know mine does this is solid stuff coming directly to you under GNU Licenses.

Complete with Easy Path SEO Guide and help in the preference, you can even with some simple SQL Injections transfer your old CBB 2.x or 3.x over to X-Forum with ease. NOTICE!!! The .htaccess has changed since version 5.78!! - this is included in the /docs path of the archive.

New Features:
  • XOOPS 2.5 Admin GUi
  • Post Approval System in Admin

Refactory Done:
  • Warnings and Notices
  • No More Art Object - XOOPS 3.0 Compatible *
  • TCPDF - Used for PDF Generation
  • Multisite Support
  • X-Language/Multilingual Mode

Bugs Fixed:
  • admin_header.php - wflinks renamed to xforum
  • Search
  • SEO Path Information
  • Extras Class not Found in Objects for Multifielding
  • Post missing from populate URL
  • No View for Admin of Pending Posts
  • No View for Admin of Deleted Posts
  • PageNav postioning and Post number hightlight
  • .htaccess Bugs (Jumpbox, Main Options, Quick Reply + All Others)
  • WSDO for view forum ctrl+bug
  • WSOD for Block Last topic
  • Extra Fields Missing From Compact Display
  • Old Social Network Adds Removed
  • PDF Output now available

Download Now: xoops2.5_xforum_5.81.zip (6.69 MB)
Sourceforge: xoops2.5_xforum_5.81.zip (6.69 MB)
Demo Now: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop
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Xortify Series 3.x for XOOPS 2.5 & 2.6 (Antispam, Antiharvesting etc)

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Xortify - Fortify your XOOPS.
Community Release by - Chronolabs Co-op.

A cloud computing process is one which staggers multiple networks sometime and mainly unknown to the webmaster into a network or cloud of data. In this example it is IP and Netaddy names to control access lists. Xortify is a cloud solution to spam, harvesting and suspicious and narfarious IPs from using your website or hacking it. It will with pre-aware hierestics ban people which have breeched policies of other websites in both the protector honeypot (lite) and once you have signed up a username the Stop Forum Spam honeypot as well as Project Honeypots hierestical information on spammers, hackers and rouge bots.

I use to get regular signup maybe 4 people a day on chronolabs.coop, however blinded by how obvious it was actually a smart spam bot making usernames so it could spam attack my website; it was able to even step past the captchas and answer my extra signup question of a known email address on the system to sign up, luckly its IP addreses, that is the address systems have on the internet was known on the honeypots and it is now blocked.

It will display a template if you are banned with information such as the banning provider and some settings for the ban and is an accessory to protector or any other firewall technology Xortify is in a league of its own. The site itself is driven from an API Cloud on http://xortify.com and mirrored at http://xortify.chronolabs.coop .. Cloud computing is web 2.0/3.0 stuff it used a SOAP or JSON, XML or Serialisation to exchange on the API backend to work, this will eventually be included in xoops as a support class.

This will prevent predators from exposing your network to lag and other attacks from link farming, often this means many xoops are attacked in occasions which is all the time caught by protector, this way if an attack is in process across a large spectrum of links, your site will down itself to your sourced attack even if it is discovered on a completely unaffiliated site that is link farmed to yours or on a XOOPS User list.

Xortify is a cloud solution to protectors Bad IPs, if someone attempts to hack your site and becomes a bad IP it will then send the IP to the Ban Cloud on Xortify.com and its paired cloud Xortify.chronolabs.coop. It will also poll the server to make sure it has the latest ban list so your website will be aware of malusers before they attack through farming IP from services like Google or bing.

Xortify is finally bug free, there was a lasting reminder of how it can be quiet frustrating developing software, especially cloud solutions with so many variables to hone to make sure the system is working, you should enjoy this version and any future releases for XOOPS 2.7, but as it stands I can't find anymore situations, warnings, notices or WSOD with this copy.

Watch this video to understand more about Xortify!

Whats New in this Feature
  • XOOPS 2.5 Module Class GUI
  • Greater Ban Diagnostics
  • CURL Resolution Timeout
  • Fault Locking/Delay
  • Performance Extras - fixed

Some of the other Features
  • Cron Job State and Timing
  • Pre PHP 5.2 Compatibility
  • My IP Information Anti Ban Prevention
  • Provider Plugins
  • Admin Usage Log
  • Protector Module Provider
  • Project Honeypot Provider
  • Stop Forum Spam Provider
  • Spider Module Provide
  • XML Polling Protocol
  • Serialisation API Protocol
  • JSON API Protocol
  • SOAP API Protocol
  • Anti Spamming with User Signupl
  • Anti Harvesting
  • Serialisation API Protocol

Bugs Fixed
  • Xortify post loader use of old constant
  • 2.6.0 Implementation in 2.5.0 Version - Lack of Versioning Control
  • System Tray Hijacking
  • Cron Job was Repaired
  • Warning all fixed
  • Notices all Fixed
  • Xortify Provider - Fields being match to open
  • Try Exceptions added to API Calls
  • cURL Classes - Warnings & Notices
  • Xortify Provider - Warnings & Notices
  • Project Honeypot Provider - Warnings & Notices
  • Stop Forum Spam Provider - Warnings & Notices
  • cURL Polling
  • Protector provider
  • Xortify Provider
  • cvalue not a global
  • Header being sent by providers
  • Project Honey Pot Cache Timer
  • Signup not displaying on preference link

  • XOOPS 2.5

Download: xoops2.5_xortify_3.00.zip - 195Kb
Sourceforge Mirror: xoops2.5_xortify_3.00.zip - 195Kb
Server: xoops2.5_xortify-server_1.26.zip - 1.61Mb
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop

2011/12/28 19:52:00 Version 3.00 STABLE
- Changed /xoops_version.php Swapped Server 1 and Server 2 with preferences (Wishcraft)
- Changed /cron/serverup.php Swapped Server 1 and Server 2 (Wishcraft)
- Changed /include/function.php removed 2.6 implementation for XOOPS 2.5 line 112 - 116 (Wishcraft)
- Changed $GLOBALS['xortify_api'] to $GLOBALS['xortifyModuleConfig']['protocol'] (Wishcraft)

Trial For Inclusion
Xortify will be hopefully moved into the XOOPS platform after a year or so of fine tunning and testing, it is currently discussed to move the cloud (http://www.xortify.com) onto ownership of the domain and this node of the cloud by the XOOPS Foundations. (Chronolabs Will Donate It In the name of AntiSpam). This is the current trial for inclusion and bundling of Xortify with protector in XOOPS 2.6 - This Archive will ONLY work on XOOPS 2.6.

  • XOOPS 2.6

Download: xoops2.6_xortify_3.04.zip - 192Kb
Sourceforge Mirror: xoops2.6_xortify_3.04.zip - 192Kb

2011/12/28 20:30:00 Version 3.04 STABLE
- Changed /provider/xortify/post.loader.php changed $GLOBAL['xortify_api'] to $GLOBALS['xortifyModuleConfig']['protocol'] (Wishcraft)
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Magazine-X Xoops Theme - Commercial

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Magazine-X is an ideal theme for online magazines or newspapers, with features that allow customize the look to achieve the desired look for your website. Magazine-X has been designed using the latest and most advanced modules to deliver a different esperience from other normal themes created for XOOPS. That's why this is an Premium theme, and is now at your fingertips to help you improve your site. Get a better integration between design and the system, but takes full advantage of the modules used.
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XOOPS Project featured on SourceForge's Frontpage

We are happy to let you know that XOOPS is featured this week on the front page of http://sourceforge.net/

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This will definitely create extra publicity for our project, resulting in more people trying XOOPS. We can see already a spike in the number of visitors to our Website, as well as in the number of downloads from SourceForge:

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