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CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications. Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development costs and helps developers write less code.
Module: x-Torrent
Author: Wishcraft (+ Others)
Version: 1.05
Download: xoops2_xtorrent_1.05.zip Size: 247Kb
x-Torrent is a module which allows your users and yourself to upload torrents to xoops, it will poll the torrents as well as download file information, seeds, leeches, trackers etc, of the torrent.
It is a modified version of wfDownload by the wf Team, done over 7 hours of an early morning. Completely tested x-Torrent will allow you to manipulate and maintain your torrent library with easy forms and standised interface.