Release of indexscan RC 01

This is a small module to scan your server folders for missing index.html files. If missing you can create.

The module obviously does not have a place in the frontpage main menu, but can only be accessed through administration as admin.

The module is testet with FF, Opera, and IE8 and checks out fine with all.

Should you discover any errors or is it not operating as intented please send email to

Download here
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FREE Xoops Theme Sd-043-3D-GreenEffects

I'm happy to present the new FREE Theme Color Variant with the name Theme Sd-043-3D-GreenEffects.

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Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-043-3D-GreenEffects.

Nice Weekend.

Xurl - new XOOPS module

h is proud to announce a new XOOPS module called Xurl.

It is filed as a product of the EasyTCPtransfer category, since it fits the main goal of the EasyTCPtransfer principle.
The Xurl module for XOOPS is a module allowing your visitors to create short urls from long urls for use in e.g. Twitter. It can even sanitize complete texts with urls.
But that is not all..

Also, for module developers, it can be used as a function to sanitize complete e.g. Forumposts or blogposts before submitting it into the database.

Xurl will only allow registered user of your website to create shorten urls, but the shorten urls can be accessed by anyone.

It can also be called from other websites, but only with a registered username and password from your own website. This can be usefull if you have visitors that want to be able to shorten urls automatically from their own website, but they need to be registered with you. You control their access and the usage.

Besides the fact that it shortens the url, it also makes the url unreadable for users that have bad intentions.

The module can be adapted to use other shorten url links then the default

Registered users can acces the module right here on the website. Just register (for free) and from the menu choose Xurl.

Many more options are available for this module and it will soon be released for the XOOPS community.
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TDM: TDMDownloads 1.0

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[size=xx-large]TDMDownloads 1.0[/size]

The TDM is pleased to present TDMDownloads, a download management module.

The features of the module:

Categories :

- Management of categories with the possibility of sub categories.
- Categories can have a description, weight and image.
- Display clear admin side.

Downloads :

- Possibility to add as many additional fields as desired for downloads.
- List of downloads with filter field configurable in admin.
- Possibility to downloads note.
- Ability to propose an amendment.
- System comparison of information between the original and download the modified.
- Ability to report broken downloads.
- Ability to provide a download.
- Added the ability to make a short description of a download with a delimiter "[pagebreak] 'to define the magnitude of the short description. The short description reduces the size of the text description (downloads) on the home pages of the module and categories (with a link "more details" to see what follows).

Blocks :

- Top Rated Downloads
- The most downloaded
- Downloaded lately
- Random Downloads

Miscellaneous :

- System summary (same content as the blocks)
- Integration of CAPTCHA for anonymous users
- Possibility to use refer to a friend. If you have the module Tellafriend, it can enable this option for the link" Tell a friend" pointing to the submission form module.
- Plugin sitemap file included in the extra.
- Script to import from Mydownloads and WF-downloads.
- System administration simple and efficient.
- System permissions.

I forget a lot of features and the easiest way to get an idea is to test the module or to see the demo

Module Information :

- The module was tested with Xoops 2.3.x and can not run on a 2.0.x ...
- Available in French and English.

A big thank you to the following:

Kraven30 for his help and support. Burning for his ideas, Marianne for the English translation.

The module links:

Download | Support | Demo
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Jquery: Form validation+Rounded Corners+List Items

This tutorial will teach you 4 things:

* How to apply rounded corners

* Form validation

* Passing variables into a list

* Customizing jquery plugins
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FREE Design Sd-048-Smart-Blue

Sinnedesign is happy to present the new FREE Color Variant with the name Theme Sd-048-Smart-Blue.

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Here can you find the XOOPS Theme Demo and here is the free Download Xoops Theme Sd-048-Smart-Blue.

I hope you like the Theme.
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XOOPS France has a new Website

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The team Xoops-France just updated their Website, and it looks fantastic with its new theme!!!

In addition to the new theme, you'll find a new repository of updated modules and a new module for links to sites built with XOOPS.

The Forum was also slightly improved and redesigned. You can see some ajax effects on the home page but also in the module links that make the site more dynamic and easier to use.

Additional updates are done in documentation and other areas in order to maximize the support for new users of XOOPS.

Congratulations to the whole XOOPS France Team, and in particular to Mage and Burning for the module repository (yes, we want it here too ), to Kraven, Muss and Cobalt for the new theme, and to everybody else for making XOOPS France such a pleasant site!

As next, we should expect a new design of XOOPS-Germany, and of the main XOOPS Website here.

We are very excited about all the new changes, updates, and new XOOPS developments around the world!!! It's good to see that so many people believe in XOOPS, and want to contribute to it, and make it better!

If you want to share any XOOPS news from your country/region, please let us know. We want to learn about it....
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Tutorial- Javascript+Jquery. A simple Beginning

In this tutorial I will teach you the basics of javascript with jquery. This tutorial is especially geared towards php developers who have been hesitant to venture into javascript.
The question that pops up most often is: why use javascript if I already have PHP? Well, because PHP is a server side language while javascript resides on the client. Actions that are tacky done on PHP, such as table sorting are a breeze on javascript. Mind you that I'm not advocating you drop PHP, on the contrary! If you combine PHP and javascript you can take your code to a whole different level. Let's start.
Before we start, a couple of requirements for this tutorial:
- Go to and grab jquery-1.3.2.min.js This is the minified version of jquery. It's great to start learning with. When you are proficient with javascript you might want to get the full version to perform your own hacks.
- Go to and download firebug.js This is a great development tool that allows you to debug javascript directly through firefox (I'm planning a tutorial just dedicated to this).
-An editor either wysiwyg or ide to change php/html/etc files.
-A local php server. If you are not running one, go check xampp or similar.

First create an empty file called: test.php Inside place this code:
<script language="javascript">
alert ("hello world");

This will popup an alert box that says hello world! Now since we understand php, let's bring the two together. Replace all previous code with this:
$tst "my name is wally";

alert ("echo $tst?>");

We have a php variable called $tst that get's passed into the alert box. Now let's bring in jquery and start making things more interesting. Replace all previous coe in file test.php with this:
<style type="text/css">
#box { background-color:#FFFF99; border:thin solid #FF0000; width:70%; height:50px;}
script type="text/javascript" src="firebug.js">script>
script language="javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js">script>
script language="javascript">
document).ready(function() { //Finish loading the entire page before processing any javascript
$("#subBut").click(function(event) {
formContent = $("#form1").serialize();
form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="textfield" id="textfield">
input type="button" name="subBut" id="subBut" value="Submit">
br />
div id="box">Ajax calldiv>

Now create another file called myserv.php and place this code inside:
echo "hello world! My name is " $_GET['textfield'];

Now test it! What we are doing here is creating an ajax response to our initial test.php file. It takes the form data and passes it to myserv.php through $_GET. The good thing about using jquery $.serialize (found on line 6) is that it will grab all elements in a form. So, even if you add more later on, it will still grab them.
Now a line by line explanation of the javscript code:
Lines 4 and 5 load jquery and firebug
Line 7 All code inside this function only gets processed AFTER the entire page has loaded. This is especially important for us php developers since we have php code many times scattered along our pages.
Line 8 is an event function. Meaning, when an event happens, run the code inside. In this case the event is a "click" and it has been binded to selector "subBut" which is the submit button in our form. So, when someone presses the submit button, the code inside gets executed.
Line 9 is a great jquery function called $.serialize It grabs all form elements inside our form "form1" and correctly formats it to be sent using $_GET to our response page. In order for this to work I created a javascript variable called "formContent". this holds the formated data. NOTE: All variables in javascript must first be declared as such before being used.
Line 10 This is where jquery shines. A simple line that does so much! The selector in this case is a div with id "box". This is where the ajax response will be loaded into. load('myserv.php',formContent) will send the content of our javascript variable "formContent" to the page myserv.php which processes the information then sends back a response.

This is a simple tutorial to get you started. I have more on the way :)
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Biomudas - New website in XOOPS from Brazil

Hello community

I'm proud to present you a new XOOPS website from Brazil.

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The modules are: mastop publish, mastop go2, liaise, news and smartsection.

I hope you like it.

Let's spread XOOPS all around!
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XOOPS Tad Modules converted into English

After publishing the TadGallery 1.3 English Version, Tad converted his other modules into English as well. To download them, click on individual name:

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We would like to thank Tad for his conversion, and we hope that we'll see more XOOPS modules from around the world made "international", i.e. without any "hard-coded" local text.
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