XOOPS: 3 New Themes, 2 available now

Posted by: MontisartsOn 2003/5/21 2:34:12 4185 reads
Hey all,

Here I am again. I 've had some spare time the last couple of days (which means no sleep at all ) because I seem to be addicted to makig themes all of a sudden. I've made 4 of them in a couple of days. The first, which has been downloaded quite a lot to my surprise, was a bit of a try out, the second is a finetuned version of the first and with the first I was getting warm, the fourth actually made me feel like : DID I CREATE THAT? , so I hope you'll all be happy with them. The fourth theme (MontisBlue) isn't available for download because I'm gonna use it for a site, but I'm working translating it to different color setting and I will put those up for download in a few days. For now I think it's best to write down the links to my download page unless some1 has an idea if and how I can upload them to the Xoopssite. My site is currently in Dutch but will change back to english as soon as I have done enough testing with my last theme. It won't be very hard to find the downloads section though since we say Downloads in Holland as well.

I would appreciate it if you would let me know what you think of the themes on Xoops.org and maybe later on my own site once I change back to English.


greetz Frank