XOOPS: xoops 1.3.9 newsletter module

Posted by: kainOn 2003/4/9 5:46:21 7205 reads
hi again folks, here it is the long-awaited newsletter module for xoops 1.3.9 (not tested with x2).

it adds a column in xoops_users table, enabling an int trigger.
if the trigger is 1 (modifiable in sources) then the user can receive admin's newsletter (txt one, written in control panel).

the trigger can be edited from user's profile or via admin panel by a simple checkbox.
can preview the email that we are sending to users and emails that will receive the newsletter.

improvements are welcome (the code is not elegant for me, coded in a hurry).
don't forget to read the readme.txt include in package, may contain some bug.
enjoy another release and thanks dev for making such a wonderful cms.

download here
