XOOPS: XOOPS 2.0 RC3 released!

Posted by: onokazuOn 2003/3/18 12:57:00 11276 reads
The XOOPS team is pleased to announce that the 3rd release candidate version
of XOOPS2 has been released.

This package includes numerous bug fixes and a number of security based
enhancements which fixes possible cross site script and SQL injection
vulnerabilities. Therefore all users that are currently running XOOPS2 RC2
are STRONGLY ADVISED to upgrade as soon as possible.

- a major change in the handling of theme files, the detail of which you can
read in this
- a new global notification feature that can easily be incorporated into
modules (that use Smarty) by only modifying xoops_version.php and template
files (mvandam)
- SMTP support using phpMailer (bunny)
- group permission tables merged into one table (Onokazu)
- code refactoring

the full package
, unpack it and upload all files included. Point your
browser to /install/index.php to start the installer. Please read
docs/INSTALL.html for details on installation and/or read the Install and
Upgrade sections of the Wiki ( http://wiki.xoops.org ).

upgrade from XOOPS 2.0 RC2
Make changes to your theme files according to
, and upload your modified theme files. Download the fix
l]), unpack it and upload all files included (some files will be
overwritten). Then point your browser to /upgrade/xoops2_rc2_to_rc3.php and
follow the instruction displayed.

upgrade from XOOPS 1.3.x
the full package
, unpack it and upload all files included (some files
will be overwritten). Point your browser to /install/index.php to start the
installer. The installer will automatically detect your 1.3.x and upgrade to
2.0. Please read docs/INSTALL.html for details on installation and/or read
the Install and Upgrade sections of the Wiki (wiki.xoops.org).