Modules: XOOPS 2.5 Basic Module Pack - Beta 1: ready for testing & feedback
Posted by: MambaOn 2011/7/13 11:10:00 25443 readsThe XOOPS 2.5 Basic Module Pack is still a work in progress, but we wanted to get your feedback.
The XOOPS Basic Module Pack builds on the "Blue Move" initiative to update various XOOPS modules.
And as we were doing it, it made sense to create a standard GUI for them, utilizing the same icons and showing similar behavior with the goal that once you know one XOOPS module, it will be very easy to work with any other.
Originally we took the GUI idea from the TDM Team's modules, but while we were working on implementing it, Mage came up with a ModuleAdmin class that generates the whole Admin GUI based solely on the Menu definitions in /admin/menu.php and data in xoops_version.php file - see the simplified diagram:
Currently there are following modules in the Pack:
- Contact
- extCal
- extGallery
- fmContent
- Marquee
- MyLinks
- News
- Tag
- XoopsFaq
- XoopsPartners
- XoopsPoll
- PM
- Profile
- Protector
- Mastop_Go2
The final version might have some changes to the list.
IMPORTANT: This is BETA, therefore please DO NOT install these modules over your existing production sites.
Please note that this Basic Module Pack is exclusively for XOOPS 2.5.x and it requires PHP 5.2+
INSTALLATION Just copy all the files to your XOOPS main directory. There are files for your /class, /Frameworks, and /modules directories. Once done, go to Admin and install the modules of your choice.
TESTING: Please focus on two areas:
- regular bugs
- user experience (is the new GUI more user friendly? How can we improve it?)
Where do we go from here?
Once we get your feedback, we'll finalize this Module Pack, and will focus on other modules, to update our other packs:
- Community Pack
- Internet Pack
- Company Pack
- Commerce Pack
But we'll need your help in that
THANKS: I would like to express my special thanks and appreciation to:
- Mage
- Voltan
- Zyspec
who were most instrumental in creating this module pack. Of course, there were many other people who helped in testing and by providing feedback. To all of you: THANK YOU!
DOWNLOAD: from SourceForge