Official Mods: The Blue Move - updating Xoops Classic Modules

Posted by: CatzwolfOn 2009/4/10 16:20:00 111189 reads
In our quest to get module development started again, we have decided to update the classic modules to run on version 2.3 and PHP 5 and over the next few weeks we will be adapting many older modules. WE have called this Phase "The Blue Move". (After the colour of the new 2.3.x module icons).

Resized Image

We hope that other module developers will follow suit and maybe we could actually bring new developers into the Xoops Module development Team and foster a Xoops Module. If you are interested in doing this please contact us.

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This is the first module to be given the 'Move to blue' treatment. This module has been 99.5% re-factored to use Xoops 2.3 and PHP 5 and the Xoops Objects.

The only new feature functionality we have added is the ability to use the Xoops Editors, and with this we have changed the original database table. So, please do not overwrite an existing version and expect it to work afterwards.

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This module has been updated to work with Xoops 2.3 and PHP 5.

All depreciated and erroneous code has been removed and this module should now work well on any Xoops Version.

Both these modules should be considered beta versions. We have only released them in advance to get some testing done. The next phase will introduce better looking templates and more languages.


We ask if you would kindly test these modules for us and give us as much feedback, bugs and relevant information required with the kick of development with these and other modules in the near future.

Temp Measures

While we are in the process of updating many parts of the Xoops and Xoops development site, we will be housing these modules On the Xoosla main site. This is only a temporary measure and we thank you for your co-operation on this matter.

Other Development

For the future development and care of module development now and in the future, we will also be moving all classic XOOPS modules to the Sourceforge SVN. We hope that this will entice developers to help with the active development of these modules and maybe some new ones.

What we hope to achieve is a better level in all areas of Xoops Module development, this includes templates, languages, documentation and of course the code. We hope that with releasing these modules, other developers can get a better understand of the Xoops Core and how to use many of the features available now and in the future,

Many thanks,