Also, the image you post has totally different dimensions and different border-radius (rounding) value.
And you still need to clear the eyes in your previous theme.
Re: New Design Heyula-TX1 Themes
This folder who i send you, its a study folder. If you open header with FireWorks, you can see this folder is a studying folder. I do this theme completely myself. If you wanna, i can start of zero and rec a video for you. Shut the busy with me. For eyes. Eyes are Window's eyes. What the hell are you? I say. Shut the busy with me. Busy with your job.
Re: New Design Heyula-TX1 Themes
heyula please don't be rude! we are not talking rude to you.
facts are: header image: man even the seperator in aphexs header images is there in your image buttons in the header: really the same as on aphexs site
I am sure that you can reproduce this images in fireworks. But this time that are images from aphex that you have changed a little bit and due the changes you made mistakes such as leaving the separator line in the header
Re: New Design Heyula-TX1 Themes
I did not steal anyone's design that the last word... Thank you
Re: New Design Heyula-TX1 Themes
The borrowed ideas can be present at new themes. But only ideas. If you in a condition to reproduce them is independent in Photoshop or Fireworks. If the ready element of design it is necessary to specify the link to the author or the licence in the works is used. Conflicts will not be... It concerns and free themes too.
Re: New Design Heyula-TX1 Themes
Heyula, we've had issues with this before.
Facts are that you have taken images from other people without permission (and lied about it) and you did this several times.
You've stolen images from Aphex, Microsoft, ...
I don't think you don't understand the basic principle of open-source and webdesign. You cannot simply take images from another without permission. Googling an image and using it isn't legal. There are lots of sites with legal stock images you can use.
You've shown us before that you don't understand copyrights, and we have tried to make it clear to you.
Instead of listening to our remarks, you simply continue doing this. You don't listen to us, you think we attack you.
The thing is: you're using things from other people with no permissions.
You haven't changed your behaviour, though this is (to my knowledge) at least the fourth time you have been doing this.
If it were anyone else, I think you'd already had been banned. Don't forget what mamba said a while ago. If you don't stop with this, and if you don't listen to remarks given by others in the best possible meaning to you, you shouldn't continue doing this. You're not being creative, you're stealing other peoples work.
Please, before you get rude once again, try to prove us you can design without stealing from others.
I have opened your file in Fireworks and you really have a messy style of work there. However, I don't see any proof that you made it yourself, save the transparancy which is easily done yourself. The lightning in the middle is the only thing I see save the rectangle itself.
Also, I do my job, thanks for attacking us. I at least design without stealing from others and giving proper credit. My last work being Spellborn Fan Hub Portal - which is my own site, and I've done that on 1 saturday.