Modules: XoopsPoll 1.31 released
Posted by: MazarinOn 2010/10/23 0:10:00 6782 readsAfter being hidden in the file repository for several months, XoopsPoll 1.31 is now released.
This version is a small update to the 1.3 version released in the beginning of 2010.
Added features (compared to 1.3):
+ Log of votes for each poll available in admin section (thanks to X-Bandit for this feature)
+ No. of comments incl. link to them available in block (if comments enabled)
+ No. of total votes available in block
+ Poll description on the voting and results pages
+ Redirect back to original page after vote if voting from block, otherwise redirect to results page
- Removal of links to vote on index and results pages if a user has already voted
If upgrading from 1.3, just copy over original files and update module.
If upgrading from version 1.2 or earlier, please uninstall original version of XoopsPoll and make a fresh install.
Click here to download the module.