XOOPS: New logos for Packt's Open Source CMS Awards

Posted by: MambaOn 2010/10/7 20:50:00 5277 reads
As you're aware from our previous news, we are very proud that XOOPS made it to the Finals as one of the Top 5 Best Open Source CMS in the 2010 Open Source CMS Award!!!! Resized Image Resized Image We've got new logos from Packt Publishing to promote XOOPS and encourage people to vote! Please help us out! Let's mobilize our worldwide XOOPS community and let's vote for our beloved CMS!!! Please use the above images on your Websites to show your pride in XOOPS, and to encourage others to vote for XOOPS! The official voting is OPEN, so please VOTE NOW! (click here...) YOUR vote counts, so please take the time to select XOOPS for the winner of the Award. The last day of Voting is November 5, so please VOTE for XOOPS TODAY: click here.... Nominate your favourite CMS now! On November 15 the top 3 and the Winner will be announced. This is the third year in a row that XOOPS made it as the finalist into the Top 5 Open Source CMS Awards, and we can be very proud of it!!! Viva XOOPS!!!