XOOPS: Other Chronolabs Titles In release

Posted by: wishcraftOn 2010/8/20 13:52:26 5708 reads
GenoBio 1.15

Genobio is a Genological Profiler with Wiki Type Properties. It offers the ability to propagate information on a genological profile like a family or company base. It can also be cloned to a Personnel Profiler.

This is the Last stable release so far. Please test and offer comments and bug tickets on the mantis bug tracker.

Download now: xoops2.4_GenoBio_1.15.zip (218Kb)

XNews 1.69

Major Bug Fixes, Changes to SEO Structure and htAccess, xnews was built rom the 1.68RC

Download now: xoops2.4_xnews_1.69.zip (218Kb)

XHelp 1.15

Now with PDF, RSS Feeds (Blowfish method), complete bug fixed all made to blue room specifications.

Download now: xoops2.4_xhelp_1.15.zip