Modules: xDonations 1.96 BETA 1

Posted by: zyspecOn 2010/8/21 3:39:38 5451 reads

xDonations 1.96 - BETA 1
Accept Paypal Donation with IPN Notifications

xDonations is a XOOPS 2 module that allows a site to accept donations from Paypal and track donations using the Paypal IPN notification.


  • Manual entry of 'offline' donations to keep the Treasury in sync
  • Search / Display Transaction History
  • Display / Clear IPN History
  • Allows the administrator to set the default currency
  • Selectable donation amounts (and default) configurable through Admin
  • 3 XOOPS blocks
    • Accept donations
    • Display donors
    • Display recent donations
  • Ability to use custom donation button
  • Let donors Show / Hide their name (give anonymously)
  • Ability to automatically add donors to XOOPS group
  • Ability to automatically give donors a specific XOOPS ranking
  • Provide users with a 'landing' page for Thank You or Cancelled transactions
  • Set Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly goals
  • Language string define can be translated using XOOPS language files. BETA release includes English and French.
  • Test features:
    • IPN connection test
    • Track various levels of Information (Info, Errors only, etc)
    • Log file to track history
    • Test configuration using Paypal Sandbox account

New in this release:

See INSTALL.TXT for a more complete change log.

  • Added:
    • Australian Dollar as a default currency option
    • Language constants to improve translation capability
    • New constants to enhance error tracking capability
    • Ability to display/clear IPN log in Admin
    • Ability to search/display by Transaction ID in Admin
    • Variable sanitation in various places
    • Support for xdonations_ipn.log file in XOOPS upload directory
  • Changed:
    • 'edit' and 'delete' icons in Admin to use Crystal graphics
    • Html code to improve W3C compliance and readability
    • Date entry in Admin Treasury to use XOOPS javascript calendar
    • Mysql file to use 'ENGINE' instead of 'TYPE'
    • Mysql to add table indexes to improve performance
    • Mysql queries in various places to reduce number of db calls
  • Removed:
    • requirement for FormSolution class, removed file

Important Notices:

Please read the INSTALL.TXT file for installation and configuration information. You MUST change configuration settings (Paypal URL, Receiver Email, etc) before using this module.

This is a BETA release. Backup your existing site before installing this module. This release is not recommended for a production site. Read the BETA.TXT file included in the release archive."

Please test this module and report any issues to We'd also like to know if 'it works', so please send a PM to ZySpec so we know that it's been tested.
