Modules: TS-My Startup Page goes Blue - version 0.4 released

Posted by: MazarinOn 2010/2/5 15:00:00 8190 reads
The TS-My Startup Page module allows an administrator to specify which module is shown at startup for a specific group after login or for anonymous users, i.e. you can now redirect specific groups of users to a part of your site that suits them with an easy to use administration interface.

This version is a small update to the original 0.3 version.

Changes in this version include:
- Updated to be compatible with XOOPS 2.4.x
- Bugfix relating to user being member of several groups
- Possibility to update start order

Resized Image

Download: Click here

Read the enclosed installation instructions in install.txt. Please note that this module requires you to add a line to the include/checklogin.php page. A regular update of the module is possible by copying over the old files and updating the module.

Credits: Thanks to culex for QA and "best practice" adjustments