Themes: ZetaDigme Admin Gui 1.1 is released

Posted by: kris_frOn 2010/1/11 19:00:00 12012 reads

After Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis 3.1.2, Xdt Standard 1.0 and Css100_MorPho, the Laboratory releases a Admin Gui Theme for Xoops.
ZetaDigme is based on Zetagenesis for the design, and Mor.Pho.GEN.e.sis for the skeleton. It is easily editable by novice and has a file xo_parameters.html to enable or disable features included.

Download ZetaDigme Admin Gui


Unpack the archive and upload all the folders and files directly into the folder 'modules/system/class/gui/' of your site


Note 1: To use the opportunity to show or add blocks in the admin theme, you must save the file "function.block.php" in yourSite/class/smarty/xoops_plugins/
Note 2: You can disable or enable different files (include) by changing values in the file xo_parameters.html


  • XOOPS Design Team for its participation in the development and use of this theme template
  • The Afux (Xoops Users French Association) for support in this project.



ZetaDigme Admin Gui 1.0 is available HERE


Install the theme on your site, and you will! a screenshot is also viewable at this link


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